Army of Ghosts Pt2:

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"According to the paper, they've elected a ghost as MP for Leeds. Now don't tell me you're going to sit back and do nothing." Rose said as she came into the Tardis and went to where Astro was sitting and Galaxy was leaning against the console just as the Doctor popped up from below the console and was wearing a backpack as well as holding a hosepipe like device.

"Who you going to call?" The Doctor asked her. "Ghostbusters!" Rose shouted laughing. "I ain't afraid of no ghosts." The Doctor said as he jumped out of the hole and they made their way outside. "When's the next shift?" The Doctor asked Jackie as he and Galaxy place three cones on the grass then linked them together with some wires. "Quarter to. But don't go causing trouble. What's that lot do?" She asked them. "It triangulates their point of origin." Astro told her. "I don't suppose it's the Gelth?"

"No. The Gelth were just coming through a single rift, these things are transporting around the world. Like tracing paper." Galaxy explained to her. "You're always doing this. Reducing it to science. Why can't it be real? Just think of it, though. All the people we've lost. Our families coming back home. Don't you think it's beautiful?" Jackie asked the two, of course they'd thought about it but they knew something like that wasn't natural. "I think it's horrific. Rose, gives us a hand." The Doctor said.

They went back into the Tardis and plugged the power cable into the console while Jackie came in after them and closed the door. "As soon as the cones activate, if that line goes into the red, press that button there. If it doesn't stop..." The Doctor said and handed Rose his sonic screwdriver, "Setting fifteen B. Hold it against the port, eight seconds and stop." He instructed. "Fifteen B, eight seconds."

"If it goes to blue, then you need to activate the deep scan on the left." Galaxy told her. "Hang on a minute, I know. Push that one?" She said pointing to a button on the console. "Close." The Doctor told her. "That one?" She asked pointing to another. "Well, now you've just killed us." Galaxy told her. "Er, that one?" "Yeah! Now, what've we got, two minutes to go?" The Doctor asked before he, Galaxy and Astro went back outside and the Doctor activated the cones.

"How's the line doing?" Astro asked as he stayed near the doors of the Tardis. "It's all right. It's holding!" Rose called to them. "You even look like them." Jackie said to Rose as she stood next to her. "How do you mean? I suppose I do, yeah." She responded. "You've changed so much." "For the better." "I suppose." Jackie said sighing. "Mum, I used to work in a shop." Rose reminded her, huffing. "I've worked in shops. What's wrong with that?"

"No. I didn't mean that." Rose quickly said. "I know what you meant. What happens when I'm gone?" Jackie asked her. "Don't talk like that." "No, but really. When I'm dead and buried, you won't have any reason to come back home. What happens then?" She asked her daughter. "I don't know." Rose said not looking at her now, because she didn't. "Do you think you'll ever settle down?" "The Doctor and Galaxy never will, so I can't. I'll just keep on travelling."

"And you'll keep on changing. And in forty years time, fifty, there'll be this woman, this strange woman, walking through the marketplace on some planet a billion miles from Earth. But she's not Rose Tyler. Not anymore. She's not even human."

"Here we go!" The Doctor shouted making Rose look back at the monitor. "The scanner's working. It says delta one six!" Rose shouted back to them. "Come on then, you beauty!" The Doctor said just as a ghost started to appear within the triangle then began to writhe. "You don't like that, do you? Who are you? Where are you from?" Galaxy asked it as she adjusted the controls on the control box and had to duck out the way when the ghost tried to hit her as it tried to get out.

"That's more like it. Not so friend friendly now, huh?" Galaxy said and then the ghost ended up disappearing like before and she and the Doctor gathered the cones before running back into the Tardis. "Those ghosts have been forced into existence from one specific point, and we can track down the source. Allonsy!" The Doctor said as he sent the Tardis off. "I like that. Allonsy. I should say allonsy more often. Allonsy. Look sharp, Rose Tyler, Galaxy, Astro. Allonsy. And then, it would be really brilliant if I met someone called Alonso, because then I could say, allonsy, Alonso, every time." The Doctor babbled before looking at Rose and Galaxy, "You're staring at me."

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