Rise of The Cybermen Pt2:

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"It's alive!" The Doctor exclaimed as he stood below the main part of the console and picking things out of it while Mickey and Galaxy watched him while kneeling with Astro standing between them. "What is it?" Mickey asked. "It's a power cell, clinging onto life, with one little ounce of reality tucked away inside." Galaxy explained to him as she placed her hand on Astro's side, they wouldn't have been able to find it if it weren't for him. "Enough to get us home?"

"Not yet. I need to charge it." The Doctor said as he grabbed the power cell and gently held it in his hands to show them and Galaxy realised she would most likely be the one to put everything back, but she was okay with it. "We could go outside and lash it up to the National Grid." "Not that type of energy. It has to come from the universe." Astro told him as he looked at the light. "But we don't have anything." "There's us." The Doctor said as Galaxy leaned forward and placed her hands around his and they both blew softly on the power cell, making it glow and Galaxy smiled as the Doctor rested his forehead against hers, "We just gave away each 5 years of our lives. Worth every second." The Doctor placed a kiss on Galaxy's cheek which had her smile even more.

"It's going out. Is that okay?" Mickey asked them as the Doctor stood up and saw the light coming from the cell fade. "It's on a recharging cycle, it'll keep doing that, looping around, until it'll full power back up. Just needs about twenty-four hours." Galaxy told him smiling. "So that gives us twenty-four hours on a parallel world?" Mickey asked suddenly excited. "Shore leave. As long as we keep our heads down. Easy. No problem." The Doctor said as he helped Galaxy up and entwined their fingers together. "We should go tell Rose the good news."


The four walked out of the Tardis and found Rose sitting on a bench near the Thames. "There you are. You all right? No applause. We fixed it. Twenty four hours, then we're flying back to reality." The Doctor said as he showed Rose the power cell as he sat next to her on the bench and Galaxy stood next to where he was sitting while Mickey sat on the other side of Rose. "Rose? What's wrong?" Galaxy asked her when she saw the look on her face. "My phone connected. There's this Cybus Network, it finds your phone. It gave me Internet access."

"Rose, whatever it says, this is the wrong world." The Doctor told her. "I don't exist." "What do you mean?" Galaxy asked her confused. "There's no Rose Tyler. I was never born. There's Pete, my dad, and Jackie. He still married mum but they never had kids." "Give me that phone." The Doctor said and he tried to get the phone but Rose pulled it back. "They're rich. They've got a house and cars, and everything they want. But they haven't got me. I've got to see him."

"You can't." The Doctor told her. "I just want to see him." "We can't let you." "You just said twenty-four hours!" Rose exclaimed. "Have you forgotten what happened the last time you told me you saw your father, you didn't listen to the Doctor and almost destroyed the world!" Galaxy glared at her, she may not have been with them when it happened but when she had heard what happened, she was mad then like she's mad now. When she had been told that the Doctor had been taken by the Reapers, something she studied on, she hated at even thinking that if they hadn't fixed things, she really would have lost the Doctor.

Galaxy looked down when she felt something touch her hand and saw the Doctor had taken it, turns out that regeneration of Galaxy still hadn't been able to let go of the what-ifs, something her last one used to have from time to time. Galaxy looked at the Doctor's face to see a pained expression and she knew she was mirroring it herself. 'I'm okay.' She sent to him as she squeezed his hand and he returned it.

"It won't happen this time because he's alive." Rose counted not noticing the encounter between the Time Lords. "You can't become their daughter, that's not the way it works." The Doctor said agreeing with Galaxy's words, "Mickey, tell her." "Twenty four hours, yeah?" Mickey asked as he got up from where he was sat. "Mickey, where are you going?" Astro asked him. "Well, I can do what I want!" "I've got the address and everything," Rose said as she started to walk in another direction as well. "Stay where you are, both of you. Rose, come back here! Mickey, come back here right now!"

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