The Lazarus Experiment Pt1:

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Martha was holding tightly onto the console of the Tardis as the Doctor worked around it, trying to get to all the controls he needed though Galaxy got some that she was near, with how bumpy the ride was, Astro was in the safety of Galaxy's art room because he didn't want the chance of getting thrown about.

The Tardis landed as Galaxy pulled on the hand brake though she did stumble slightly. "There we go. Perfect landing. Which isn't easy in such a tight spot." The Doctor said. "You should be used to tight spots by now." Galaxy said and smirked slightly when he looked at her.

"Where are we?" Martha asked. "The end of the line. No place like it." The Doctor said as she walked out. "Home. You took me home?" She asked when she saw her bedroom when she walked out and the two Time Lords stepped out behind her.

"In fact, the morning after we left, so you've only been gone about twelve hours. No time at all, really." The Doctor said as he looked through her pictures. "But all that stuff we've done. Shakespeare, New New York, old New York?"

"All in one night, relatively speaking." Galaxy told her, smiling. "Everything should be just as it was, books, CDs, laundry. So, back where you were, as promised." The Doctor added. "This is it?" Martha asked them. "Yeah, we should probably er..." He started but then Martha's phone went off.

"Hi, I'm out. Leave a message."

"I'm sorry." Martha apologised.

"Martha, are you there? Pick it up, will you?" A woman's voice said.

"It's mum. I'll wait." Martha said, shrugging.

"Alright then, pretend that you're out if you like. I was only calling to say that your sister's on TV. On the news of all things. Just thought you might be interested."

Martha turned on the TV and they saw her sister standing in the background as an old man was speaking to a gathering of people.

"The details are top secret..."

"How could Tish end up on the news?" Martha asked herself.

"Tonight, I will demonstrate a device..."

"She's got a new job. PR for some research lab." Martha explained to the two.

"...With the push of a single button, I will change what it means to be human!" The man shouted just before Martha turned off the TV.

"Sorry. You were saying we should..." She said turning to the two. "Yes, yes, we should. One trip is what we said." The Doctor said. "Yeah. I suppose things just kind of escalated." She said. "Happens a lot with us, no matter how much Astro complains." Galaxy said. "Thank you. For everything."

"It was our pleasure." The Doctor said, walking into the Tardis and Galaxy did the same thing and stopped to look at Martha. "Just wait, we'll be back." She said with a grin on her face.

Before Martha could comment, Galaxy stepped inside the Tardis and the door shut. The Tardis faded away for a moment before he rematerialised in Martha's room and the door opened and the Doctor stuck his head out.

"No, I'm sorry. Did he say he was going to change what it means to be human?"

Galaxy's laughter rang out of the Tardis.


"Doctor, will you stop? It's fine." Galaxy said as he fussed over the cuffs of his dress shirt as they walked up to the event. She had only just got him to stop messing with his tie that she did for him but only because she had slapped his hand away too many times.

"Oh, black tie. Whenever I wear this, something bad always happens." He said and she shook her head. "That's just you, dear." She told him and then noticed him staring down at her.

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