Last of the Time Lords Pt1:

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One long year had passed since the Master took over the entire planet and allowed the Toclafane to continue their killings. With Martha gone, the Master had contemplated killing her family to get her whereabouts out of the Doctor but Galaxy had stepped in, said about having them around as bait or leverage against Martha.

It made her sick to even suggest it but it was the only way she saw them surviving and it did keep them alive.

He made Tish and Mrs Jones his personal servants while Mr Jones worked on the ship's maintenance. Jack was chained in a back room as a way to detain him while the aged Doctor slept in a small tent. And Astro was forced to be locked away in the room Galaxy was given and most of the time he had to be chained, something Galaxy absolutely hated.

Speaking of the tent, the Doctor had originally been in a cage for at least a couple of weeks until the tent was created. Of course the same day he had been given it, Galaxy had a rather nasty bruise on the corner of her mouth but when he asked her about it she just brushed it off.

She didn't tell him or Astro that she and the Master had a few words about how he was treating the Doctor, or how the Master had struck her in a fit of anger, or that when he realised what he did, the man relented and got rid of the cage. He didn't apologise but he did feel embarrassed and rather ashamed for what he had done to the one person he had promised to care for. But she knew him well enough to know he regretted it.

There was one thing she did wish had never come to the Master's knowledge and that was her implants. It was on a rare night where to Galaxy it felt like they were just kids again and the surprising calm atmosphere had her blurt out about the implants.

The Master was always protective of her, some would say too protective, so when he found out about what had happened for her to get them, he just snapped. And almost took out Japan, had she not interfered. They were lucky, she couldn't always talk him out of things when his anger got the best of him but she had done well that time.

Of course, with the way the Master treated her, it did bring about lack of trust, mainly from the Jones family. The Doctor of course knew and he was always just relieved to see her unharmed whenever she came to visit him, when she could. Jack, while having been mad at the secrecy as well as hurt, didn't lose his trust in her, never would and that brought more relief to her than he'd ever known.

Galaxy was walking towards the bridge first thing in the morning with Astro at her side and a guard following them since he was assigned to Galaxy, that was the only thing with her so called freedom. Her days consisted of seeing the Doctor, sometimes Jack and sometimes being forced to hear of the Master's attack plans which of course brought about arguments.

"Citizens rejoice. Your lord and master stands on high, playing Track 3." She heard the Master speak over the audio system and then 'I Can't Decide' started playing.

Both she and Astro rolled their eyes as they walked to the bridge. When she got there the doors slid open and she saw the Master running around the room with the Doctor in a wheelchair while Mrs Jones cleaned up a spill on the table.

"I can't decide whether you should live or die though you'll probably go to Heaven." The song conceited and the Master sang along, "Please don't hang your head and cry. No wonder why my heart feels dead inside. It's cold and hard and petrified. Lock the doors and close the blinds, we're going for a ride..."

Galaxy went over to one of the control panels and pressed a button, cutting the must. The Master stopped pushing the Doctor around and looked up to see her frowning at him. "Are you quite finished?" She asked. She could see the Doctor tense and knew he was worried, and he was, he was worried that she might do or say something that would upset the Master too much and she would earn his wrath.

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