The Age of Steel Pt3:

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The sound of people screaming suddenly went off in the room Galaxy and the others were in, showing that they were no longer under their trances and Galaxy smirked.

"That would be my brilliant companion and friend at work. You know, Lumic, I think that's a vote for free will." Galaxy said as she knew Mickey and Jake had come through like she knew they would. "I have factories waiting on continents. If the ear pods have failed, then the Cybermen will take humanity by force. London has fallen. So, shall the world. I will bring peace to the world. Everlasting peace and unity and uniformity." Cyber-Lumic said.

"And imagination? What about that? The one thing that lead you here, imagination, you're killing it dead" The Doctor said. "What is your name?" Cyber-Lumic pointed at Galaxy. "I'm Galaxy." "And you?" He pointed at the Doctor this time. "I'm the Doctor." "A redundant title. Doctors need not exist. Cybermen never sicken." "Yeah, but that's just it. That's exactly the point! Oh, Lumic, you're a clever man. I'd call you a genius, but Galaxy's in the room. But everything you've invented, you did to fight your sickness. And that's brilliant. That is so human. But once you get rid of sickness and mortality, then what's there to strive for, eh? The Cybermen won't advance. You'll just stop. You'll stay like this forever. A metal Earth with metal men and metal thoughts, lacking the one thing that makes this planet so alive. People. Ordinary, stupid, brilliant people."

"You are proud of your emotions." Cyber-Lumic stated. "Oh, yes." The Doctor said. "Then tell me, Doctor, Galaxy. Have you known grief, and rage, and pain?" "We have." Galaxy answered and Astro glanced at her, she felt that all in the space of a short period of time after all. "And they hurt?" "Oh, yes." The Doctor replied as he took hold of Galaxy's hand. "I could set you free. Would you not want that? A life without pain?" He asked them. "But then we'd lose the ability to feel happy, to feel sad, angry, even love. So you might as well kill us." Galaxy told him frowning.

"Then I take that option." "It's not yours to take. You're a Cyber Controller. You don't control us or anything with blood in it's heart." The Doctor said. "You have no means of stopping me. I have an army. A species of my own." Cyber-Lumic said. "You don't get it do you? An army's nothing because it's ordinary people that's the key. The most ordinary person could change the world." Galaxy said as she looked at a camera with a flashing red light, "Some ordinary but brilliant man to say the right numbers, the right code. Like for example the emotional inhibitor. The code right in front of him because even a brilliant man like him knows how to use computers."

"Knows how to get past firewalls and passwords. Knows how to find something encrypted in the Lumic Family Database, under er. What was it, Pete? Binary what?" The Doctor asked him. "Binary nine." "An idiot could find that code. Cancellation code." The Doctor said and Galaxy rolled her eyes a bit. "He'd keep on typing, keep on fighting. Anything to save his friends." And that's why he's my companion, Galaxy thought with a smile on her face.

"Your words are irrelevant." "Yeah, talk too much, that's our problem. Lucky, we got you that cheap tariff, Rose, for all our long chats. On your phone." The Doctor said. "You will be deleted." "Yes. Delete, control, hash. All those lovely buttons. Then, of course, my particular favourite, send. And let's not forget how you seduced all those ordinary people in the first place." The Doctor said and Rose's phone beeped. "You made every bit of technology compatible with everything else." Galaxy added.

"It's for you." Rose said as she walked up to where the Doctor and Galaxy were. "Like this." The Doctor took the phone off Rose and put it into a docking station and all of a sudden the Cybermen started to cry out in pain and the code that was on the phone appeared all of the computer screens in the room. The Cybermen clutched their heads in pain and one that was near Galaxy and the Doctor caught sight of itself on a shiny piece of metal. "I'm sorry." The Doctor said.

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