42 Pt3:

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Galaxy quickly got the door open and dragged the Doctor through as he fell and knelt by his side and saw his eyes were shut tightly and she could see the pain on his face and it broke her hearts.

"Doctor!" Martha shouted as she rushed over to them as soon as she and Riley were out of the pod, "Is he okay?" She asked Galaxy who was looking at the Doctor.

He opened his eyes slightly to show them glowing like small suns before he shut them again and he pulled himself away from Galaxy and over to the corner of the corridor. "Stay away from me!" He growled at them.

Martha backed away but Galaxy went back over to him and brought him into her arms and instead of fighting it, she felt him holding onto her as he convulsed in pain.

"What's happened?" McDonnell asked as she ran down the corridor. "It's your fault, McDonnell." Galaxy said as she ran her hand through the Doctor's hair, trying to calm him down somewhat as well as herself.

She was able to connect the dots after seeing him stare at the sun and saying it was alive because it was and the humans had done something to make it angry.

"Riley! Get down to Area 10 and help Scannell with the doors. Go!" McDonnell ordered. "You mined the sun! Stripped its surface for cheap fuel! You should have scanned for life!" The Doctor shouted. "I don't understand." McDonnell said, shaking her head.

"Doctor, what are you talking about?" Martha asked, frowning. "That sun is alive! A living organism." Galaxy said as she glared at the captain, it was her fault Galaxy was powerless to lessen the pain in the Doctor and for that she hated the woman. "They scooped out its heart, used it for fuel, and now it's screaming!"

"What do you mean? How can a sun be alive? Why's he saying that?" McDonnell asked, her eyes widening in horror. "Because it's living inside him." Galaxy said. "Oh my God." McDonnell gasped. "Humans! You grab whatever's nearest and bleed it dry! You should have scanned!"

"It takes too long. We'd be caught. Fusion scoops are illegal."

"You've got to freeze me. Quickly!" The Doctor said. "What?" Martha demanded and started helping Galaxy lift him up. "Stasis chamber. We've got to have it below -200. Freeze it out of him. Otherwise it'll use him to kill us. The closer we get to the sun the stronger it'll get. Med-centre, quickly!"

"Impact in 7:30."


Martha helped Galaxy take the Doctor to the med-centre and he screamed and fell to his knees when they got there. Martha ran over to the instruction manual while Galaxy knelt beside the Doctor.

"I can do it." Martha mumbled as she flipped through the book.

"Galaxy. Where are you?" The Doctor called as he reached out blindly. "I'm here." She told him, squeezing the hand that he reached out with, "I'm right here, it's alright." She said as she gently stroked his face and he tightened his hold on her hand, needing her.

"Stasis chamber, -200, yeah?" Martha asked, not liking she was invading in Galaxy comforting the Doctor but they needed to get this done.

Galaxy nodded and pulled up the Doctor with some help from Astro and then McDonnell and they were able to get him on the stasis chamber bed and the Doctor didn't let go of Galaxy's hand.

"You don't know how the equipment works, you'll kill him! Nobody can survive those temperatures." McDonnell argued. "Good thing he's not human, he can survive this." Galaxy said. "Let me help you, then." McDonnell said.

"You've already done enough damage." Galaxy spat and McDonnell was forced back slightly by Astro as he growled slightly at her. "Ten seconds. That's all he'll be able to take." Galaxy said as she looked at Martha who turned back to the machine.

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