The Christmas Invasion Pt4:

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The Sycorax that was near Galaxy cracked his whip and the Doctor caught the end of it and pulled it out of his hand, "You could have someone's eye out with that." The Doctor remarked as he walked toward them. "How dare!" The Sycorax leader said as he brought out a club, which Galaxy grabbed before she threw it to the Doctor, who broke it with his knee.

"You just can't get the staff. Now you, just wait. I'm busy." The Doctor pointed to the Sycorax leader before looking to the others and Astro went to stand next to Galaxy, "Mickey, hello! And Harriet Jones MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it's like This Is Your Life. Tea! That's all I needed, a good cup of tea! Superheated infusion of free radicals and tannin. Just the thing for healing the synapses. Now, first thing's first."

The Doctor turned to Galaxy, who was watching the scene with a smirk on her face, "How do I look?" He asked her as he walked up to her. "Like you just got out of bed." She told him, shrugging her shoulders. "This one seems to be cheeky." The Doctor smiled at her and rested his forehead against hers. "Now the important question. Am I ginger?" Galaxy ended up laughing at his question, despite expecting it. "No, and the more you ask the more you're going to be disappointed."

"So, not ginger then?" He asked her. "No, your hair's a sort of brown." Galaxy told him as she looked at it and ended up running a hand through it, which he leaned into. "I wanted to be ginger. I've never been ginger." The Doctor sighed and kissed the palm of her hand before looking at Rose, "And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were. You gave up on me. Oh, that's rude. That's the sort of man I am now, am I? Rude. Rude and not ginger."

"I'm sorry, who is this?" Harriet spoke as she nodded to the Doctor. "I'm the Doctor." He told her as he faced her. "He's the Doctor." Rose and Galaxy said at the same time. "But what happened to my Doctor? Or is it a title that's passed on?" She asked really confused. "I'm him. I'm literally him. Same man, new face. Well, new everything." Galaxy glanced at Rose, if she wouldn't listen to her words then maybe she would listen to his, she wished that Rose would just look closely to his eyes and still see the same mischief, the same madness and the same kindness that he always had.

"But you can't be," Harriet said, there was no way that the man in front of her was the same one she met in Downing Street. "Harriet Jones, we were trapped in Downing Street and the one thing that scared you weren't the aliens, it wasn't the war, it was the thought of your mother being on her own." The Doctor told her. "Oh, my God." Harriet gasped. "Did you win the election?" He asked her. "Landslide majority." Harriet smiled.

"If I might interrupt." They Sycorax spoke gaining their attention. "Yes, sorry. Hello, big fellow." The Doctor said. "I demand to know who you are!" The Sycorax ordered. "I don't know." The Doctor said in a deep voice and Galaxy had to bite her lip to not burst out laughing, "See, there's this thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy?" He winked at Galaxy, "Right old misery? Life and soul? Right-handed? Left-handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck?"

'Well, you certainly still have a blabbermouth.' Galaxy smirked when the Doctor looked at her after hearing her in his mind. "And how am I going to react when I see this, a great big threatening button." The Doctor grabbed Galaxy's hand and pulled her up the flight of stairs, "A great big threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess, it's some sort of control matrix, hmm? Hold on, what's feeding it?"

The Doctor crouched down and opened the base of the pillar that was under the button, "And what've we got here? Blood?" He tasted a bit of the blood and Galaxy hoped that wouldn't become a habit of him tasting things, there was a reason why Astro had a scanner installed, "Yeah, definitely blood. Human blood. A Positive, with just a dash of iron. Ah, but that means blood control. Blood control! Oh, I haven't seen blood control in years."

"You're basically controlling all the A Positives that are standing on top of all those buildings." Galaxy spoke up. "Which leaves us with a great big stinking problem. I don't know when to stop. So if I see a great big threatening button which should never, ever be pressed, then I just want to do this." The Doctor said before hitting the button. "No!" Rose and Harriet shouted. "You killed them!" Alex exclaimed. "What do you think, big fellow? Are they dead?" The Doctor asked the Sycorax. "We...Allow them to live."

"Allow? More like you had no choice. All blood control is, it's a little voodoo, kinda like hypnosis." Galaxy said. "You can hypnotise someone to walk like a chicken or sing like Elvis. You can't hypnotise them to death. Survival instincts too strong." The Doctor continued. "Blood control was just one form of conquest. I can summon the armada and take this world by force." The Sycorax threatened. "Well, yeah, you could, yeah, you could do that, of course, you could. But why? Look at these people. These human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more than ever can be seen. More to do than-"

"That's the Lion King, Doctor." Galaxy interrupted him when she realised where his words were going. "Right, yes sorry. The point still stands. Leave them alone!" The Doctor shouted to the Sycorax. "Or what?" The Sycorax challenged. "Or..." The Doctor took a sword and he and Galaxy ran back to the Tardis, "I challenge you." This had the room filled with laughter as though he had said something funny, " Oh, struck a chord. Am I right that the sanctified rules of combat still apply?" The Doctor asked. "You stand as this world's champion." The Sycorax declared. "Thank you. I've no idea who I am, but you just summed me up." The Doctor took off his dressing gown and threw it to Galaxy.

"So, you accept my challenge? Or are you just a cranak pel casacree salvak?" Galaxy smirked when she knew that the Doctor had struck a nerve at the Sycorax. "For the planet?" The Sycorax asked as they knelt before each other. "For the planet." The Doctor agreed and the two started fighting. "Look out!" Rose shouted. "Oh, yeah, that helps. Wouldn't have thought of that otherwise, thanks." The two carried on fighting but the leader of the Sycorax was clearly a better swordsman which the Doctor noticed and that was why he retreated to a tunnel.

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