Smith, Knight & Jones Pt2:

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The Doctor, Galaxy and Martha were in the Admin office where the Doctor was using his sonic screwdriver on a computer while Galaxy stood behind him. "They've reached the third floor." Martha said as she walked into the room, "What's that thing?" She asked. "Sonic screwdriver." The Doctor told her. "Well, if you're not going to answer me properly."

"No, it really it is. It's a screwdriver and this is a key, both are sonic. See." Galaxy said showing her sonic key to Martha. "What else have you got, a laser spanner?" She remarked. "We did, but it was stolen by Emily Pankhurst, cheeky woman. Oh, this computer! The Judoon must have locked it down. Judoon platoon upon the moon. Because we were just travelling past. I swear, we were just wandering. We weren't looking for trouble, honest, we wasn't, but we noticed these plasma coils around the hospital, and that lightning, that's a plasma coil. Been building up for two days now, so I checked in. We thought something was going on inside. It turns out the plasma coils were the Judoon up above."

"But what were they looking for?" Martha asked. "Something that looks human but actually isn't." Galaxy said. "Like you two, apparently." "Like us. But not us." The Doctor said. "Haven't they got a photo?" Martha asked. "It could be a shape-shifter." Galaxy shrugged. "Whatever it is, can't you just leave the Judoon to find it?" "If they declare the hospital guilty of harbouring a fugitive, they'll sentence it to execution."

"All of us?" Martha asked shocked. "Oh yes. If we can find this thing first. Oh! You see, they're thick! Judoon are thick! They are completely thick! They wiped the records. Oh, that's clever." The Doctor said. "What are we looking for?" "I don't know. Say, any patient admitted in the past week with unusual symptoms. Maybe there's a back up."

"Just keep working. I'll go ask Mister Stoker. He might know." Martha said before running out the room.


"We've restored the back-up." The Doctor said as he and Galaxy ran into Martha who had just exited out of Stoker's office. "I found her." She told the two. "You did what now?" Right as Galaxy asked that, men with motorbike helmets on broke the door of Stoker's office down. "Run!"

The three headed down the stairs only for some Judoon to be coming up the stairs while the motorbike men followed down the stairs, making the three to divert onto another floor where they ran into the room that Galaxy locked with her sonic before they got behind the radiation screen.

"When I say now, press the button." The Doctor told Martha. "But I don't know which one." She said. "Then find out." Galaxy told her before she and the Doctor went to messing with the x-ray machine while Martha got the Operator's Manual from the shelf and started reading. The motorbike man had been trying to get into the room and managed to knock the door down and the Doctor pointed the x-ray machine at it.

"Now!" The Doctor shouted and Martha pressed a yellow button which caused the motorbike man to get a massive dose of radiation before falling to the ground and Martha turned the machine off. "What did you do?" She asked them. "Increased the radiation by five thousand per cent. Killed him dead." The Doctor said. "But isn't that going to kill you?"

"Nah, it's only roentgen radiation. We used to play with roentgen bricks in the nursery. It's safe for you to come out. I've absorbed it all. All I need to do is expel it. If I concentrate I can shake the radiation out of my body and into one spot. It's in my left shoe. Here we go, here we go. Easy does it. Out, out, out, out, out. Out, out. Ah, ah, ah, ah! Itches, itches, itches,itches. Hold on."

Galaxy could only shake her head in amusement as the Doctor juggled about and slowly took off his shoe before throwing it into the bin, she did rather like those converses. "Done." "You're completely mad." Martha said. "You're right. I look daft with one shoe." He said and took the other shoe off, going barefoot. "Okay." Galaxy mumbled, she really should've expected that. "Barefoot on the moon." He said and looked at her. "I didn't absorb any of the radiation, I'm good."

"So what is that thing? And where's it from, the planet Zovirax?" Martha asked looking at the body of the motorbike man. "It's a Slab. Slave drones the leather is solid leather, goes all the way. Someone's got a fetish." Galaxy explained looking at the Slab's body. "But it was that woman, Miss Finnegan. It was working for her, just like a servant."

"My sonic screwdriver." The Doctor exclaimed and Galaxy turned to see his sonic was completely fried because he had left it in the x-ray. "She was one of the patients, but..." "Oh, no. My sonic screwdriver." "She had a straw like some kind of vampire." "I loved my screwdriver." "Doctor?" Martha called. "Sorry." He said and threw the screwdriver. 'I could've seen about fixing that for you. You didn't need to throw it.' "You called me Doctor." The Doctor said after sending a slight eye roll to Galaxy.

"Anyway? Miss Finnegan is the alien. She was drinking Mister Stoker's blood." Martha told them. "Funny time to take a snack. You'd think she'd be hiding. Unless. No. Yes, that's it. Wait a minute. Yes! Shape-changer. Internal shape-changer. She was drinking blood, she was assimilating it." The Doctor said. "If she's able to assimilate Mister Stoker's blood and mimic the biology, she'll register as human. We need to find her and show the Judoon."

The three ran out of the room and ended up hiding by a water dispenser when they caught sight of the other Slab walking down the corridor.

"That's the thing about Slabs. They always travel in pairs." Galaxy said. "What about you?" Martha asked. "What?" "Haven't you got back-up? You must have a partner or something?" "I'm her partner. And oh, humans. We're stuck on the moon running out of air with Judoon and a bloodsucking criminal, you're asking personal questions? Come on." The Doctor said.

"I like that. Humans. I'm still not convinced you two are aliens." Martha said and they walk into a Judoon which scans the Doctor and then Galaxy. "Non-humans." "Oh, my God, you two really are." Martha gasped. "Off we go again." Galaxy said and they ran off and got round the corner right as the Judoon started firing at them. They run up the stairs and came upon a corridor that showed people starting to slump on the floor.

"They've done this floor. Come on. The Judoon are logical and just a little bit thick. They won't go back to check a floor they've already checked. If we're lucky." The Doctor said and Galaxy knew they usually weren't. "How much oxygen is there?" Martha asked her co-worker who was giving oxygen to a patient. "Not enough for all these people. We're going to run out." She answered. "How are you doing? You okay?" Galaxy asked Martha.

"I'm running on adrenaline." She answered. "Welcome to our world." The Doctor said. "What about the Judoon?" She asked. "Nah, great big lung reserves. It won't slow them down. Where's Mister Stoker's office?" "It's this way." Martha said and took them to Stoker's office.

"She's gone. She was here." Martha said as they entered the office and saw that Stoker's body was in there and it was very white. "Drained him dry. Right to the last drop. Told you she was a plasmavore." Galaxy said to the Doctor. "What's she doing on Earth?" Martha asked. "Hiding. On the run. Like Ronald Biggs in Rio de Janeiro. What's she doing now? She's still not safe. The Judoon could execute us all. Come on."

"Wait a minute." Martha said and the Time Lords waited for her as she closed Stoker's eyes before joining them. "Think, think, think. If I was a plasmavore surrounded by police, what would I do?" The Doctor said as they walked along a corridor and then saw the sign to the MRI. "Ooh, she's as clever as us. Well, almost." Galaxy said before the sound of something crashing sounded and then followed by screaming.

"Find the non-human. Execute." "Martha, stay here. We need time. You've got to hold them up." The Doctor said. "How do I do that?" She asked. "You're gonna have to forgive us for this. Now it could save lives and know this absolutely nothing." Galaxy said before kissing Martha before pulling away and she and the Doctor ran off.

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