Fear Her Pt3:

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A while later, they were all looking around collecting any pencils and pens they could find so Chloe couldn't draw anymore. "Chloe usually got the brunt of his temper when he'd had a drink. The day he crashed the car, I thought we were free. I thought it was over." Trish told them. "Did you talk to her about it?" Rose asked her. "I didn't want to."

"That's probably what made Chloe feel alone. She couldn't talk to you about the dreams or how she felt so she boxed it all in, kept it to herself." Galaxy said and yeah she figured her words were harsh but there needed to be communication between Trish and Chloe and there was none, it probably would have made things easier for both of them if they had each other to share the pain and sadness together. "Her and the Isolus. Two lonely kids who need each other." The Doctor said and in a way, Astro thought of the Doctor and Galaxy in that sense, they both needed each other and were lonely since it was only them now out of their race.

"And it won't stop, will it? It'll just keep pulling kids in." Rose said. "Because it's desperate for love after being so used to being in a pretty big family." Galaxy told her. "How big?" "Say around four billion?" The Doctor guessed.

After collecting the pencils and pens they could find, the Doctor, Rose, Galaxy and Astro walked out of the house. "We need that pod." The Doctor said. "It crashed. Won't it be destroyed?" Rose asked. "Well, it's been sucking in all the heat it can. Hopefully that should keep it in a fit state to launch. It must be close. It should have a weak energy signature that Astro can trace. Once we find it, then we can stop the Isolus." "He can scan for the same trace he picked up from the scribble ball. We have to widen the field a bit." Galaxy said as they got to the Tardis and went inside.

Once inside, the Doctor and Galaxy went straight to using a gizmo. "You knew the Isolus was lonely before it told you. How?" Rose asked the Doctor as she watched them. "We know what it's like to travel a long way on your own. Give us the styner-magnecit. The thing in your left hand" The Doctor answered and Rose handed Galaxy what she was holding in her hand. "Sounds like you're on it's side." Rose said. "They sympathise with it, you can't blame them for that." Astro told her, even he sympathised with the Isolus even if he was still a robot at the end of the day.

"The Isolus has caused a lot of pain for these people." "Rose it's a child. That's why it went to Chloe. They're two lonely kids." Galaxy told her. "Feels to me like a temper tantrum because it can't get its own way." Rose said not seeing what they did. "It's scared. Come on, you were a kid once. Binary dot." "Yes, and I know what kids can be like. Right little terrors." Galaxy may not be a parent herself but she never thought that when she was around Nancy and Jamie, she always thought Jamie was the sweetest kid, a rare thing to see during a time of war.

"Gum." The Doctor said and held out his hand which Rose spat her gum onto. "I've got cousins. Kids can't have it all their own way. That's part of being a family." Rose said. "What about trying to understand them?" The Doctor asked her. "Easy for you to say. You two don't have kids." Galaxy's hand briefly stopped with what she was doing, which caught the Doctor's and Astro's attention.

"I was a dad once." The Doctor whispered as he glanced at Galaxy who just took the gizmo and gum from him and and put the component in place with the gum. Rose realised what she said and looked at Galaxy as well, sometimes she forgot that Galaxy would tell them about their past more than the Doctor would and bringing something like the Doctor having children, a family that wasn't with Galaxy must have struck something and it did slightly.

"There we go. Fear and loneliness. They're the big emotions a person could have, some of the most terrible acts have been fuelled by those two emotions, inspired by them. This once we are up against someone that's trying to conquer or destroy something, we're dealing with someone that's scared and alone all because of an accident." Galaxy said as she closed the lid of the glass globe that contained the gizmo.

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