The Family of Blood Pt1:

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"Perhaps if that human breaks, the Time Lord will emerge. It's your choice."

Galaxy quickly got out of Clarke's hold and took the gun from him before he could react and she aimed it at Jenny. Looks like the training in the experiments finally came in handy. She thought.

"Let her go or I'll shoot you right where you stand." She threatened, keeping an eye on the Family while ignoring the startled looks from the people behind her and the eyes of John she could feel, "Don't even think of trying to move her into the shot. I can shoot you a lot faster than you can move."

Astro sighed slightly from where he was, he never liked seeing this side of Galaxy, she was never like this before the implants, never okay with allowing some violence even if it was to save a friend.

"You wouldn't risk the life of the human Jenny." Jenny said, smirking and Galaxy frowned. "I know what you've done, I know there's nothing left. Let her go!" She demanded. Jenny looked at Baines who nodded and she let Martha go who Galaxy pulled so she was behind her and she turned her gun on Baines.

"Careful, Son of Mine. This is all for you so that you can live forever." Clarke said to Baines. "Shoot you down." Baines threatened as he held a gun straight at Galaxy who didn't even flinch. She stared down so many enemies, gone through so much torture that this situation with the Family was annoying.

"Try it. I've made it clear I'd shoot Jenny, who I like far better than you, Baines. Do you want to risk it?" She asked and he looked at her long and hard before lowering the gun, "There's a door to the side. Over there. Take it and get out. Go! Everyone, get out now!"

'Astro, wait outside for us, if they see you hanging around they'll realise who we are.' She said as she looked where he was hiding and he looked at her before moving with the crowd that made a run for it. She glanced behind her and saw John hesitating, not wanting to leave her and she looked at the matron.

"Get him out of here." She ordered and Redfern hesitated for a moment before pushing him out the room. Galaxy then saw Timothy standing at the back as well. "Tim, go!" She shouted and he soon ran out too, leaving her and Martha with the Family and their scarecrows.

"She's almost brave, this one." Baines commented as he grinned and the Family slowly advanced on them. "What happened to Jenny? Is she gone?" Martha asked as they both backed up. "She is consumed. Her body's mine." Jenny said. "You mean she's dead." Martha said.

"Yes. And she went with precious little dignity. All that screaming." She said and Galaxy moved to fire but hesitated long enough for one of the scarecrows to grab her from behind and take the gun. Martha pulled her arm and the two ducked and ran out the room.

"Why did you hesitate? You had a clear shot." Martha asked as they ran. "Jenny was your friend. I didn't want to put you through that and that right there isn't what I'm supposed to be, that's what my people made me to be."

They ran through the front door where Astro was waiting for them along with John and Redfern at the gates. "What are you doing here?" Martha asked as they ran toward them. "He refused to leave." Redfern said as John looked Galaxy over, looking for any injuries but saw she was alright.

"Come on!" She shouted, grabbing his hand and they ran down the road.


They ran back all the way to the school, when they ran in, John closed the doors behind them then started ringing the hand bell.

"What are you doing?" Galaxy asked. "Maybe one man can't fight them, but this school teaches us to stand together." He told her, "Take arms! Take arms!" He shouted. "You can't do that!" Martha exclaimed. "You want me to fight, don't you? Take arms! Take arms!"

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