Daleks in Manhattan Pt3:

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Laszlo led the Doctor, Galaxy, Astro and Tallulah to where they could see Martha and Frank along with some other people and some pig men which got restless and nervous.

"What're they doing? What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"Silence. Silence."

"What the hell is that?"

"You will form a line. Move. Move."

"Just do what it says, everyone, okay? Just obey."

"The female is wise. Obey."


"These are strong specimens. They will help the Dalek cause."


"What is the status of the Final Experiment?"

"The Dalekanium is in place. The energy conductor is now complete."

"Then I will extract prisoners for selection."

One of the pig men dragged an older black man forward and Galaxy carefully looked to see the Dalek scanning the man with its sucker.

"Intelligence scan, initiate. Reading brain waves. Low intelligent."

"You calling me stupid?"

"Silence! This one will become a pig slave. Next."

"No, let go of me. I'm not becoming one of them. No! No!" The man shouted as he dragged away.

"Intelligence scan. Initiate."

"They're divided into two groups. High intelligence and low intelligence. The low intelligence are taken to become pig slaves like me." Laszlo explained. "Well, that's not fair." Tallulah exclaimed and the Doctor and Galaxy shushed her. "You're the smartest guy I ever dated." She said quieter to Laszlo.

"What about the others?" Galaxy asked. "They're taken to the laboratory." He said. "Why? What for?" The Doctor asked. "I don't know. The masters only call it the Final Experiment." Laszlo said as the Dalek scanned Frank.

"Superior intelligence." It said then moved in front of Martha, "Intelligence scan. Initiate. Superior intelligence. This one will become part of the Final Experiment."

"You can't just experiment on people. It's insane! It's inhuman!"

"We are not human. Prisoners of high intelligence will be taken to the transgenic laboratory."

"Look out, they're moving." The Doctor said and Laszlo led Tallulah away while Galaxy, Astro and the Doctor stayed. "Doctor, Galaxy! Quickly!" Laszlo called. "We're not coming. I've got an idea. You two go." The Doctor told them.

"Laszlo, come on." Tallulah said. "Can you remember the way?" He asked her. "Yeah, I think so." She said. "Then go, please." He said. "But Laszlo, you got to come with me." She said. "Where would I go? Tallulah, I'm begging you. Save yourself. Just run. Just go. Go."

Tallulah left and Laszlo, Galaxy and the Doctor let the Daleks glide past before joining with the humans while Astro lagged behind.

"Keep walking." Galaxy quietly said to Martha. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you."



"Dalek Sec is in the final stage of evolution."

'Evolution? I don't like the sound of that.' Astro said to the Doctor and Galaxy and neither did they. "What's wrong with old Charlie boy over there?" Martha asked. "Ask them." The Doctor said. "What, me? Don't be daft." Martha said. "Martha, we don't really want to get noticed yet. Ask them."

"Daleks, I demand to be told. What is the Final Experiment? Report!"

"You will bear witness."

"To what?"

"This is the dawn of a new age."

"What does that mean?"

"We are the only four Daleks in existence, so the species must evolve a life outside the shell. The Children of Skaro must walk again."

Dalek Sec's shell stopped smoking and the light went out in the eye stalk. The casing opened to reveal a human-Dalek hybrid and Galaxy's eyes widened when she recognised the suit to be Diagoras'. He did look like a Dalek, he had a mouth, one eye, and tentacles, but his hands were almost claw-like.

"What is it?" Martha asked in disgust.

"I am a human-Dalek. I am your future."

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