Tooth & Claw Pt4:

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The Doctor and Galaxy closed the mistletoe doors once everyone was out of the room and right before the werewolf could follow them before running after the others. With still wearing a dress and despite being a good runner in this generation, Galaxy ended up lagging behind slightly but that was enough for the werewolf to catch up with her and she yelped when she turned around and saw how close it was to her.

Galaxy was able to duck from the attack the wolf sent to her thanks to a pan of liquid being thrown at it, causing it to retreat. "You okay?" The Doctor asked as he went to Galaxy's side and looked her over for any injuries, he felt his hearts stop for a quick second when he heard her yelp. "Yeah, it didn't get me." She assured him smiling before looking at Isobel and her maids, "Nice shot by the way." She praised. "It was mistletoe," Flora said as Galaxy and the Doctor went to the end of the corridor with Rose to see if they could see the werewolf.

"Isobel!" Robert exclaimed when he saw his wife and the two kissed when they made it to each other, "Now, get back downstairs." "Keep yourself safe," Isobel told her husband. "Now go." "Girls, come with me. Down the back stairs, back to the kitchens. Quickly!" Isobel and the maids then left the five and headed back to where it was safe. "Come on." The Doctor said. "The observatory's this way." Robert pointed to a way down a corridor and they carried on up the stairs while the werewolf recovered.

"No mistletoe in these doors because your father wanted the wolf to get inside." The Doctor said when they got to the observatory, "I just need time. Is there any way of barricading this?" He asked Robert as they stood around. "Just do your work and I'll defend it." "If we could bind them shut with a rope or something." The Doctor suggested. "I said I'd find you time, Sir. Now get inside." Robert said and Galaxy and the Doctor knew what he was getting at. "Good man." The Doctor said and closed the doors, cutting them off from Robert and the werewolf.

"Your Majesty, the diamond please." Galaxy said as she turned to Victoria and held her hand out. "For what purpose?" Victoria asked her. "For the purpose, it was designed for." Galaxy told her and she handed Galaxy the diamond reluctantly. "Thank you." Galaxy said before she and the Doctor went to the control wheel of the telescope so they could start to raise it. "Is this the right time for stargazing?" Rose asked as she watched the two with her arms crossed. "Yes, it is." The Doctor told her.

"You said this thing doesn't work." "It doesn't work as a telescope because that's not what it is. It's a light chamber. It magnifies the light rays like a weapon. We've just got to power it up." The Doctor explained. "It won't work. There's no electricity. Moonlight. But the wolf needs moonlight. It's made by moonlight." Rose reminded them. "And you're 70% water yet you can still drown, funny how the world works." Galaxy told her smiling as she continued to help the Doctor work the on the control.

The moon soon became levelled with the telescope lens and the light coming from it bounces between the prisms within it causing the telescope to magnify, right as the werewolf burst through the doors. Seeing it go after Victoria, Galaxy quickly slide the diamond over where the light was hitting the floor, this had the light refract right where the werewolf was catching it in a beam and lifting it up in the air.

They saw the werewolf turn back into a young man as it hung in the air and it looked as though he was being crucified. "Make it brighter. Let me go." Galaxy adjusted the magnification on the eyepiece and the man transformed back into the werewolf and howled one last time before vanishing.

"Your Majesty? Did it bite you?" The Doctor asked when they saw her looking at a small scratch on her wrist. "No, it's, it's a cut, that's all." Victoria brushed off. "If that thing bit you?" "It was a splinter of wood when the door came apart. It's nothing." She insisted. "Let me see." "It is nothing."


It was morning now and in the Drawing room, Galaxy the Doctor and Rose were all kneeling before Victoria with the rest of the household watching and Galaxy was back into her clothes, she liked dressing up for the period but she was glad to be back in her normal clothes.

"By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Sir Doctor and Dame Lilith of Tardis. By the invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Dame Rose of the Powell Estate. You may stand." Victor said after tapping her sword on their shoulders, and the three stood up. "Many thanks, Ma'am." The Doctor said. "Thanks. They're never going to believe this back home."

"Your Majesty, last night you said about not receiving a message from the great beyond, I think your husband decided to cut the diamond to save your life. He's protecting you even now, Ma'am, from beyond the grave." Galaxy told her. "Indeed. Then you may think on this also. That I am not amused." Victoria asked and would groan if she wasn't before royalty, seems she and the Doctor owed Rose a pound. "Yes!" "Not remotely amused. And henceforth I banish you."

"I'm sorry?" The Doctor asked confused. "I have rewarded you, Sir Doctor, and now you are exiled from this empire, never to return. I don't know what you are, the three of you, or where you're from, but I know that you consort with stars and magic and think it fun. But your world is steeped in terror and blasphemy and death, and I will not allow it. You will leave these shores and you will reflect, I hope, on how you came to stray so far from that is good, and how much longer you may survive this terrible life. Now leave my world, and never return."


"Whoa!" The cart driver said as he had the horse stop the cart and Galaxy, the Doctor and Rose got off it since they had taken a ride on it back to the Tardis. "Cheers, Dougal!" The Doctor shouted as the three walked back to the Tardis. "You know, Queen Victoria did actually suffer a mutation of the blood. It's historical record, she was a haemophiliac. People used to call it the 'Royal Disease.' There's always a mystery since didn't inherit it, neither of her parents had it, it just appeared out of nowhere." Galaxy said.

"What, and you're saying that's wolf bite?" Rose asked confused. "Well, maybe haemophilia is just a Victoria euphemism." The Doctor said. "For wolf?" "Could be." "Queen Victoria's a werewolf?" Rose asked them. "Probably. Not to mention her children had the Royal Disease. She could have given them a quick nip for all we know." Galaxy said smirking a bit. "So, the Royal Family are werewolves?" "Well, maybe not yet. I mean, a single wolf cell could take a hundred years to mature. Might be ready by, oh, early 21st century?"

"Nah, that's just ridiculous! Mind you, Princess Anne." "I'll say no more." "And if you think about it, they're very private. They plan everything in advance. They could schedule themselves around the moon. We'd ever know. And they like hunting!" Rose said as they went inside the Tardis, "They love blood sports. Oh my God, they're werewolves!" Astro, who was in the console room, rolled his eyes at whatever they were on about and helped Galaxy and the Doctor start up the Tardis.


"The Doctor didn't see, did he?" Astro asked Galaxy as the two were in the kitchen, Galaxy had told him what had happened while he stayed in the Tardis and they were discussing what happened in the cellar with the werewolf. "No, I had pushed him out of the room before he could see." Galaxy answered as she drank her cup of tea she made for herself, they seem to really help. "You won't be able to keep it from him for long though, sooner or later he will find out Galaxy. Not to mention you can't use your head implants more than once, I don't think your brain will be able to withstand it."

"I know, Astro, but for right now the Doctor can't know about them or how I got them."

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