42 Pt1:

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Galaxy was standing at the console of the Tardis and Astro was laying on the captain chair as the Doctor used his sonic screwdriver on Martha's mobile.

"Right, there we go. Universal roaming. Never have to worry about a signal again." The Doctor said handing the phone back to Martha then went over to Galaxy. "No way. This is too mad. You're telling me I can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time on my mobile?" Martha asked.

"So long as you know the area code. Frequent flyer's privilege. Try it out." Galaxy told her, smiling when suddenly the Tardis juddered. "Distress signal. Locking on. Might be a bit of..."

The Doctor got cut off as they were all knocked to the ground and Galaxy fell on top of him. "Turbulence?" She asked, grinning slightly down at him and he smiled sheepishly at her and gave her a quick kiss before she got off him.

"Sorry. Come on, Martha. Let's take a look." He said as they got up and walked over to the Tardis doors. Lots of steam filled the room they landed in and the room was red.

"Distress signal transmitted."

"Whoa, now that is hot." The Doctor said.

"Automated distress signal transmitted."

"Whuff, it's like a sauna in here." Martha said as she removed her jacket and Galaxy did the same and they tossed them back in the Tardis. "Venting system. It's trying to keep this place cool. Wherever it is we're at." Astro said.

"Well! If you can't stand the heat..." The Doctor said as he walked over to a heavy duty door and opened it for them to walk through and the hallway they step into is still hot but it was cooler than the previous room. "Well, that's better."

"Area 30." Galaxy read when she saw the label and hoped this wouldn't be a similar repeat to when they dealt with the Ood. Just then, two men and a woman ran down the corridor toward them, all looking very warm.

"Oi, you three!" One of the men shouted. "Get out of the way!" The woman added. "Seal the door, now!" The first man shouted as he ran past them and slammed the door shut. "Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?" The woman demanded. "Are you police?"

"Why would we be police?" Galaxy asked. "We got a distress signal." Martha said. "If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines?" The Doctor asked. "It went dead four minutes ago." The woman told them. "So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering. Captain."

"Secure closure active." A computer voice sounded from above and a loud clang came from down the corridor. "What?" The captain shouted. "The ship's going mad." The second man exclaimed.

"Who activated secure closure?" A woman asked as she ran down the corridor and to them, "I nearly got locked in Area 27." She said as the last bulkhead slammed shut, "Who are you three?" She asked. "He's the Doctor, that's Galaxy and I'm Martha. Hello." Martha said.

"Impact projection 42 minutes 27 seconds."

"We'll get out of this. I promise." The captain assured her crew while Galaxy noticed Martha looking out the porthole. "Doctor, Galaxy." She called and Galaxy went over when she heard the slight shake in her voice.

"Forty-two minutes until what?" The Doctor asked. "Doctor, come look." Galaxy said this time and he ran over and looked out the window with them. There, they saw a burning sun and it was rather close to the ship, too close for comfort. "Forty-two minutes until we crash into the sun."

"How many crew members are on board?" Galaxy asked, turning to the captain. "Seven, including us." She answered. "We transport cargo across the galaxy. Everything's automated. We just keep the ship space worthy." The second man added.

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