The Christmas Invasion Pt3:

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"No chance you could fly this thing?" Mickey asked Galaxy and Rose, he, Rose and Jackie had come to the Tardis seeing as it was the safest place in the world to have the Doctor rest, Galaxy and Rose both agreed to ignore what happened between them for now since they knew they had bigger things to worry about. "Not anymore, no." Rose sighed. "Well, you did it before."

"Blue would have wiped it out of her mind, and because me the Doctor absorbed the time vortex from her, she's broken and I can't fix her." Galaxy told them sadly as sat down next to the Doctor on the floor. "So, what do we do? Just sit here?" Mickey asked sighing. "That's as good as it gets," Rose told him. "Right, here we go. Nice cup of tea." Jackie said as she came in with a flask and gave each of them a cup, "Mmm, the solution to everything." Rose complained. "Now, stop your moaning. I'll get the rest of the food." She told them before she left.

"Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British." Mickey joked before turning to the monitor screen, "How does this thing work? If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered. What do you do to it?" Galaxy was stroking the Doctor's hair while the two were at the monitor, she wished that she could hear him through his mind, that was the only thing she hated about regeneration not being able to hear him for a while.

"Maybe it's a distress signal," Mickey said as he and Rose carried on looking at the screen. "A fat lot good that's going to do." Rose hissed. "Are you really going to me be this misery all the time?" Galaxy asked her frowning a bit. "Yes," Rose responded frowning herself. "You should look at it from my point of view." Mickey spoke up before another argument could break out between the women, "Stuck in here with your mum's cooking."

"Where is she?" Rose asked, suddenly realising she wasn't back yet. "I'd better give her a hand. It might starting raining missiles out there." She said as she walked toward the door. "Tell her anything from a tin, that's fine," Mickey called to her. "Why don't you tell her yourself?" She called back. "I'm not that brave," Mickey told her. "Oh, I don't know," Rose said stepping outside, only scream as she was dragged out. "Rose!" Galaxy shouted as she and Mickey ran to the door, "Astro stay in here." Galaxy told him before following Mickey out and she quickly shut the door before any of the Sycorax's could get in and was grabbed by one of them.

"Rose. Rose! I've got you. My Lord. Oh, my precious thing. The Doctor, is he with you?" Harriet Jones asked Rose as she was released by the Sycorax while Galaxy was still in the grasp of them and she noticed to leader staring at her, "No. We're on our own." Rose told her with a sad tone.

Meanwhile, back in the Tardis, Astro had noticed that some tea had gone through the grates on the floor and onto the workings underneath. He walked up the Doctor and sat beside his head and saw him exhale some more regeneration energy. "Now isn't the exactly the time to be sleeping, Doctor." Astro sighed.

"The colourful girl. She has the clever blue box." The translator, Alex translated as Galaxy was pushed forward to the leader, "Therefore, she speaks for your planet." He said. "But she can't," Harriet said, she didn't know this woman, she didn't know if she could be trusted. "No, I can, it's okay." Galaxy said as she stood straight. "Don't you dare." Rose and Mickey said, both not wanting her to put herself in harms way.

"Someone has to." She responded. "They'll kill you," Rose exclaimed. "Wouldn't be the first lot people to do that. And it hasn't stopped me before." Galaxy smiled at her before she turned back to the Sycorax. "Now, I address the Sycorax according to Article Fifteen of the Shadow Proclamation. I command you to take your brethren, free those you have captured and leave this planet, while you still can."

Astro looked toward the console when he heard Galaxy's voice, he went to the monitor and noticed that she was standing before some of the Sycorax with the others behind her, "You are very, very funny. And now you're going to die." Alex translated. "What the hell does she think she's doing?" Astro exclaimed with a growl in his voice. He watched as Mickey, Rose and Harriet tried to get to Galaxy as the leader walked up to her and she just stood there, unafraid. "She's doing what she does best. Buying time." Astro looked up when he felt a hand on his head and saw the Doctor, now awake, looking at the screen with a frown on his face as he saw how tense Galaxy was.

"You sure took your sweet time." The Doctor down at Astro and smiled, "And yet you didn't go outside." He told him. "Galaxy told me to stay, and even if she didn't I would have stayed, someone had to take care of you while you slept." The Doctor laughed at his response and looked at the doors, "You want to make a grand entrance?" He asked as he stroked the place between Astro's ears, "Glad to see that still stuck with you." Astro joked.

"Hold on, that's English," Alex said as they noticed that the Sycorax was now speaking English instead of its own language. "He's talking English," Harriet confirmed. "You're talking English," Rose said and got a wink from Galaxy when she looked over her shoulder. "I would never dirty my tongue with your primitive bile." The Sycorax spat out. "Maybe, but to us, we can hear perfect English." Galaxy smirked. "I speak only Sycoraxic!" They Sycorax hissed as he stepped closer to Galaxy. "Oh, I know you do. But here's the thing, what you're saying is being translated so it sounds like English to us, which means only one thing..."

Everyone looked to the Tardis to see the doors open and the Doctor stand there with a smile on his face and Astro by his side, "Did you miss me?"

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