Evolution of the Daleks Pt2:

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"I do not understand. It is the Doctor...The urge to kill is too strong...I obey."

Galaxy got out of Frank's hold and quickly stood next to the Doctor, not happy at him but knew they had other issues, like the Dalek not killing him.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"You two will follow."

"No! You two can't go!" Martha exclaimed and the Doctor looked at Galaxy who frowned at him.

'Don't even think about telling me to stay behind. They're not separating me from you again.' She told him and he sighed.

"We've got to. The Daleks just changed their minds. Daleks never change their minds." The Doctor told Martha. "But what about us?" Martha asked and the two looked at the crowd of people then at the Dalek. "If we come with you, you spare the lives of everyone here! You got that?"

"Humans will be spared. The Doctor and Galaxy follow."

"Then I'm coming with you two." Martha said, grabbing Galaxy's hand and Astro ran over to. "Martha, stay here, do what you do best which is helping people. Let us go." Galaxy told her and held her hands before scratching Astro's head who looked at her and the Doctor with sad eyes but knew he had to stay.

"Oh, and look after Astro for us." She said and smiled at Martha before leaving with the Doctor and the Daleks.


The Doctor and Galaxy were led down back to the lab where Sec was waiting for them.

"Those people were defenceless! You only wanted us, but no, that wasn't enough for you. You had to start killing, because that's the only thing a Dalek's good for." The Doctor spat, angrily.

"The deaths were wrong."

"What did you say?" Galaxy asked looking at Sec.

"That man, their leader, Solomon. He showed courage."

"And that's good?"

"That's excellent."

"Is it us or are you just becoming a little bit more human?" The Doctor asked and Galaxy didn't like the idea of that.

"You two are the last of your kind, and now I am the first of mine."

"What do you want?" Galaxy asked.

"We tried everything to survive when we found ourselves stranded in this ignorant age. First, we tried growing new Dalek embryos, but their flesh was too weak."

"We found one of your experiments, left out there to die in the dark." Galaxy said with disgust.

Yet another thing her people and the Daleks were the same of, mistreating and experimenting on others. She never knew what happened to the bodies of those that didn't survive the experiments they went through but she always had the strong feeling that they were just thrown away like nothing and she would've been the same had not some miracle made her compatible with the implants.

"It forced us to conclude what is the greatest resource of this planet. Its people." Sec threw a breaker switch and it lit up the whole place, allowing the Doctor and Galaxy to see hundreds of covered bodies floating above them on stretches and Sec brought one of them down. "We stole them. We stole human beings for our purpose. Look inside."

The Doctor uncovered to reveal a man's face and Galaxy placed a hand over her mouth in surprise. This was springing up too many memories and of course it would be the Daleks to bring them about.

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