Army of Ghosts Pt4:

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"So, these ghosts, whatever they are, did they build the sphere?" Yvonne asked as they were at her desk and the Doctor had made himself comfortable by propping his feet on the desk. "Must have. Aimed it at this dimension like a cannon ball." The Doctor said. "Yvonne? I think you should see this. We've got a visitor. We don't know who she is, but funny enough, she arrived at the same time as the Doctor and Galaxy." Rajesh said and Yvonne turned her laptop around so the Doctor and Galaxy could see Rose standing with Rajesh.

"She one of yours?" She asked them. "Never seen her before in my life." The Doctor said shaking his head. "Good. Then we can have her shot." Yvonne responded. "Oh, all right then. It was worth a try. That's...that's Rose Tyler." The Doctor said sitting up. "Sorry. Hello." Rose said waving. "Well, if that's Rose Tyler, who's she?" "I'm her mother." Jackie answered. "Oh, you travel with her mother?"

"It was more like he kidnapped her." Galaxy responded smirking a bit. "Please, when Torchwood comes to write my complete history, don't tell people I travelled through time and space with her mother." The Doctor said. "Charming." Jackie said. "I've got a reputation to uphold." He said crossing his arms. "No, you don't." Astro whispered to him with a smirk in his eyes and Galaxy chuckled.

"Excuse me, everyone? I thought I said to stop the ghost shift. Who started the programme? But I ordered you to stop! Who's doing that?" Yvonne questioned as the levels were moving and her workers were typing away not listening to her. "Right, step away from the monitors, everyone. Gareth, Addy, stop what you're doing right now, Matt, step away from the desk. That's an order! Stop the levers! Andrew!"

A scientists went over to one of the levers and grabbed onto it but they were having difficulty. "Stop the levers!" "What's she doing?" The Doctor asked as Galaxy went over to the woman at the computer with Astro. "Addy, step away from the desk. Listen to me. Step away from the desk." Yvonne ordered the woman but she carried on typing.

"She can't hear you. They're overriding the system. They're activating the Ghost Shift." Galaxy said before her attention turned to the ear pieces, "Oh, it's the ear pieces. That's what's controlling them. We've seen this before..." She trailed off connecting the dots, if those ear pieces were there...

Galaxy pulled out her sonic key and used it on Addy's ear piece causing her, Gareth and Matt to scream before collapsing. "What happened? What did you just do?" Yvonne asked her. "They're dead." She only told them as she looked at the computer. "You killed them." Jackie said. "Someone already did that before I did." She responded as she put her attention on the computer. "But you killed them!"

"Jackie, we haven't got time for this." The Doctor said knowing Galaxy needed as much silence as possible. "What are those ear pieces?" Yvonne asked. "Don't even think about it." Galaxy said, knowing exactly where this was leading to. "But they're standard comms. devices. How does it control them?" She asked. "Trust us, leave them alone." The Doctor told her.

"But what are they?" Yvonne asked and pulled the earpiece off and a rope of grey matter came out of it making Galaxy sigh, she did warn her, "Urgh! Oh, God! It goes inside their brain." Yvonne exclaimed grimacing. "What about the Ghost Shift?" The Doctor asked. "Ninety percent there and still running. Can't one of you stop it?" "Not while they're still controlling it, they were able to hi-jack the system." Galaxy told her as she was at one of the other computers, if they weren't in a bad situation, she'd almost be impressed.

"Who's they?" Yvonne asked her. "It might be a remote transmitter but it's got to be close by. We can trace it. Jackie, stay here!" The Doctor said before running out with Galaxy, Yvonne and Astro close behind though Galaxy stopped when she heard Rajesh's voice from Yvonne's computer.

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