Doomsday Pt2:

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"Cyber threat irrelevant. Concentrate on the Genesis Ark." The returning Dalek said as it came back into the sphere room and all of the Daleks went over to the Genesis Ark while Galaxy and the others were by the wall. "Why are we being kept alive?" Mickey asked Galaxy as she was leaning against the wall. "Because I won't let them hurt them you. You know as well as they know what I'm capable of doing." Galaxy said and he knew she was indicating to her implants.

"They also might need us for something." Rose added and Galaxy nodded her head, the best thing she could think the Daleks using them as was leverage, for her or the Doctor she didn't know, what she did know was that she was ready to use her implants if need be, even if it meant Rose seeing.

The group were watching the Daleks in silence when Galaxy suddenly grabbed her head tightly, the same feeling she got when the Isolus drew the Doctor away, back then it wasn't so bad, but now it was so much worse and the emptiness was too much for her and it hurt her so much.

"What's wrong? Galaxy?" Mickey asked as he grabbed her when she staggered slightly. "I don't know." She answered as she took a breath, she really hated this similar old feeling. "I could teleport out of here and get help." Mickey said as he helped Galaxy sit down on the floor because he was afraid she would collapse if he let go of her, "But it only carries one and I'm not leaving either of you."

"You'd follow me anywhere." Rose said smiling gently as she moved to sit next to Galaxy who was stroking Astro's fur to distract herself, "What did I do to you all those years ago?" She asked him. "Helped me learn how brilliant Time Lords are, and how much we have to stick by them." He said smirking as Galaxy looked at his button.

"That's it..." She said making the two look at her. "What is?" Rose asked her. "I haven't been able to sense the Doctor at all, like the last time it happened but worse, it's because he's not in this world anymore, he's in the parallel one." She explained. "He is?" Mickey asked and she nodded her head. "The Cybermen wouldn't have killed him, not if they knew he had information on the Daleks which he does. But I can't sense him at all, it's exactly like back when I was with Jack."

Rose rested her head on Galaxy's shoulder when she heard the sadness in her voice, she hated hearing the Time Lady sound like that. "You've still got us, we aren't going anywhere." Mickey assured her as he took hold of her hand and she smiled at him. "I know, I'm proud of the man you've become Mickey, you were exactly were you needed to be."

Mickey smiled at her words, she had said the same thing when they were saying goodbye, and he found out she was right, he was able to help people to the best of his abilities, something Galaxy always wanted from him.

"Well, I can't think what the Daleks need with me. I'm nothing to them." Mickey said as he glanced at the Daleks. "You could be. Whatever's inside that Ark is waking up, and I've seen this happen before." Rose said thinking, "The first time I saw a Dalek, it was broken. It was dying. But I touched it. The moment I did that...I brought it back to life. As the Doctor said, when you travel in time in the Tardis, you soak up all this background radiation. It's harmless. It's just there. But in the Time War, the Daleks evolved so they could use it as a power supply."

"I love it when you talk technical." Mickey remarked. "Shut up. If the Daleks have got something inside that thing that needs waking up..." "They need you." Mickey finished off. "There's also you Mickey," Galaxy told him, "Even Astro would be useful to them because you've both travelled through time." She explained. "But why would they build something they can't open themselves?"

"The technology is stolen." The Black Dalek exclaimed since it heard the last bit of it's conversation, "The Ark is not of Dalek design." "Then who built it?" Rose asked. "The Time Lords did." Astro told her as Galaxy sighed, the reason why she left the Doctor to return home was because they said they wanted her to work on it, of course that was just a front for what they truly had in store for her.

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