The Impossible Planet Pt4:

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"Captain, sir. There's something happening with the Ood." Danny informed from the Ood Habitation. "What are they doing?" "They're staring at me. I've told them to stop, but they won't." "Danny, you're a big boy. I think you can take being stared at." Zach told him. "But the telepathic field, sir. It's at basic one hundred. I've checked, there isn't any fault. It's definitely one hundred."

"But that's impossible." "What's the basic one hundred mean?" Rose asked Galaxy who had a look of shock on her face from hearing everything. "It means the Ood should be dead, brain dead to be specific." She told her, she had a really bad feeling about this. "But they're safe. They're not actually moving?" Zach asked Danny. "No, sir." "Keep watching them. And you, Jefferson? Keep a guard on the Ood." Zach ordered. "Officer at arms!" Jefferson ordered to the officer that was in the room with them. "Yes, sir."

"You can't be thinking of firing a gun in here. What happens if one of the bullets hits something?" Galaxy asked him, if something happens that puts someone in a state of panic and they have a gun, who's to say something important could get damage. "I'm firing stock fifteen. It only impacts upon organics." Jefferson informed her but that didn't make her feel better. "Keep watch. Guard them." He said to the rest of the officers, there were only three Ood in the room with them.

"Is everything all right up there?" The Doctor's voice rung in the room. "Yeah, yeah." Rose answered him and Galaxy nodded her head, he shouldn't have to worry about them while he's busy down there. "It's fine." Zach said. "Great." Danny said. "We've found something. It looks like metal. Like some sort of seal. I've got a nasty feeling the word might be trapdoor. Not a good word, trapdoor. Never met a trapdoor I liked."

"The edge is covered with those symbols." Ida told them. "Do you think it opens?" Zach asked them. "That's what trapdoors then to do." The Doctor said and Galaxy thought the same thing. "Trapdoor doesn't do it justice. It's massive, Zach. About thirty feet in diameter." "Any way of opening it?" Zach asked and Galaxy wondered if humans would ever get smart and not try to open things that could be suspicious. "I don't know. I can't see any sort of mechanism." "I suppose that's the writing. It'll tell us what to do. The letters that defy translation."

"Toby, did you get anywhere with decoding it?" Zach asked. "Hey, Toby. They need to know the lettering. Were you able to make sense of it?" Galaxy asked him. "I know what it says." He said. "Then tell them." Rose said as Galaxy frowned. "When did you work it out?" Jefferson asked him and Galaxy would like to know, even with her sharp mind she wasn't able to translate them. "It doesn't matter, just tell them." Rose said and Galaxy moved her so she was behind her when Tony looked them and saw his skin was covered in the symbols.

"These are the words of the Beast. And he has woken. He is the heart that beats in the darkness. He is the blood that will never cease. And now he will rise." Toby said in a deep voice as he stood before them. "Officer, stand down. Stand down." Jefferson ordered as he pointed his gun at Toby. "What is it? What's he done? What's happening? Galaxy, Rose, what's going on?"

"Jefferson? Report. Report!" Zach ordered and the Doctor started to worry when there was no response. "Officer, as Commander of Security, I order you to stand down and be confined. Immediately!" Jefferson shouted to Toby. "He's come out in those symbols all over his face. They're all over him." Rose mumbled into the comm as she looked at Toby over Galaxy's shoulder. "Mister Jefferson. Tell me, sir. Did your wife ever forgive you?" Toby asked him. "I don't know what you mean." "Let me tell you a secret. She never did."

"Officer, you stand down and be confined." "Or what?" Toby challenged. "Or under the strictures of Condition Red, I am authorised to shoot you." Jefferson told him. "But how many can you kill?" Toby then opened his mouth and Galaxy made sure Rose was protected as the symbols left him and floated to the three Ood in the room. "We are the Legion of the Beast." The Oods all said as they looked at the three. "Rose? What is it, Galaxy? I'm going back up." "Report. Report! Jefferson someone, report!"

"The Legion shall be many, and the Legion shall be few." "It's the Ood." Rose said. "Sir, we have contamination in the livestock." Jefferson notified and Galaxy kept an eye on the globes the Ood held in their hands. "Doctor, the words went into the Ood, whatever they relate to is possessing them." Galaxy said as she took the comm off Rose. "He has woven himself in the fabric of your life since the dawn of time. Some may call him Abaddon. Some may call him Kroptor. Some may call him Satan or Lucifer." "Captain, it's the Ood. They're out of control!" "Or the Bringer of Despair, the Deathless Prince, the Bringer of Night. These are the words that shall set him free."

"Back up to the door!" Jefferson shouted as he pushed Galaxy and Rose into the direction of the exit. "I shall become manifested." "Move quickly." "I shall walk in might." "To the door! Get it open!" "My Legions shall swarm across the worlds." Galaxy grabbed a hold of Rose when the entire base shook because of the trapdoor down below opening up. "I am the sin and the temptation and the desire. I am the pain and the loss and the..." "Get that door open!" Jefferson said as the Ood got closer to them. "I have been imprisoned for eternity. But no more." "Door sealed." The computer announced. "Come on!" Rose exclaimed and Galaxy tried her sonic key on the door but even that didn't seem to do anything. "Door sealed." "The Pit is open. And I am free."

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