New Earth Pt3:

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The group finally made their way downstairs and to the basement and Cassandra made a quick b-line to the lift. "No, the lifts have closed down. That's the quarantine. Nothing's moving." The Doctor told her. "This way!" Cassandra shouted and she lead the others in the direction of her lair, but that was when Chip got cut off from them because some of the infected had managed to make their way down there. "Some will touch him." The Doctor warned and Cassandra stopped slightly and turned around. "Leave him. He's just a clone thing. He's only got a half-life. Come on!" Cassandra said before she started running again.

"Mistress!" Chip called when he saw her leave him behind. "I'm sorry, I can't let her escape." The Doctor said to him, he couldn't let Cassandra escape while she still possessed Galaxy's body, so he grabbed Rose's hand and they and Astro followed after Cassandra. "My Mistress!" Chip called as the infected people came toward him and his only option was to go down a chute that was labelled waste.

Cassandra ran to the back door was down in the basement but when she opened the door more of the infected people were there as well, so she quickly closed it. "We're trapped! What am I going to do?" She asked the three as she stood at the top of the steps. "Well, for starters, you're going to leave that body. That psychograft is banned on every civilised planet. You're compressing Galaxy to death." The Doctor said as Cassandra moved toward where she originally used to be. "But I've nowhere to go. My original skin's dead." Cassandra told them as she turned to them.

"Not my problem. You can float as atoms in the air. Now, get out. Give her back to me." The Doctor said as he pointed his sonic toward Cassandra who sighed. "You asked for it." Cassandra then took a deep breath and blew energy toward the Doctor and Galaxy fell onto the floor and Rose and Astro ran to her side. "You OK?" Rose asked as she helped Galaxy sit up. "Yeah, hell of a headache though." Galaxy responded as she rubbed her head, the entire time Cassandra was taking control of her body, she was trying to fight her, to make her way through so she could warn the Doctor or Astro, to no avail.

"Where'd she go?" Rose asked since it was clearly Galaxy in front of her now and not Cassandra. "Oh, my. This is different." The three looked to the Doctor. "I think I found her," Astro said as Rose helped Galaxy stand up. "Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum. So many parts. And hardly used." Cassandra said and she smirked at Galaxy. "Get out of him, Cassandra." Galaxy told her as she walked up to Cassandra. "Oo, he's slim, and a little bit foxy. You've thought so too. I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You like it." Cassandra said to Galaxy who rolled her eyes at her though she felt her cheeks heat up a bit.

Right then the infected patients burst through the door. "What do we do? What would he do? The Doctor, what the hell would he do?" Cassandra asked as she hid behind Galaxy who sighed. "The ladder. We need to get up." Galaxy told them. "Astro, come." She commanded and he jumped up on her back. "Out of the way, blondie!" Cassandra said as she moved to the ladder and Galaxy had Rose go up next before she followed close behind them. "You know I can't get infected right? I could've stayed down there." Astro said to Galaxy as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Doesn't matter, I wasn't going to leave you. Besides, you're not that heavy for me, remember." She told him.

"If you get out of the Doctor's body, he can think of something," Rose told Cassandra as they were climbing up the ladder. "Yap, yap, yap. God, it was tedious inside your head. Hormone city." Cassandra said as she indicated to her short time in Rose's head before she jumped to Galaxy. "We're going to die if..." Rose was cut off when Galaxy yelp a bit when she felt someone grab her boot and the two looked down to see it was Casp that had grabbed her."No offence, but I like these boots so if you get off me that would be grand." Galaxy said smiling down at her. "All out good work. All that healing. The good name of the Sisterhood. You have destroyed everything." Casp said.

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