Doomsday Pt1:

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The Daleks before the group moved toward them, saying 'Exterminate' over and over when Galaxy rolled her eyes and stood before the humans and Astro, as much as she was scared, they were getting on her nerves. "All right, enough Daleks. We get it already." She said and Rose and Astro was surprised at her new form attitude toward them.

If she was still in her previous generation, she would be terrified because of the fresh memories, this one though was coming to grips with the memories and because she was using her implants more than back then she knew she could at least defend herself against them.

The Daleks stopped in their movements and Galaxy would almost say they were surprised that someone knew what they were identified and she knew she was taking a gamble, once they scanned her they would know who she was and they could kill her but something told her there was more in store for her and the others.

"You are a Time Lady!" The centre Dalek announced after scanning her and she nodded her head. "I am. Now, I'm curious as to why you're not killing me, unless..." She trailed off and looked to see a shaped container behind them, just sitting there, "Unless you need me to operate that right there." She said before looking at the Daleks, "Of course for my help you'll keep all these humans alive and my robot wolf. Do you understand?"

The Daleks looked at the humans and Astro, scanning them as well. "The humans and robot are not a threat." Astro didn't know if he should be offended at that or not, he knew he couldn't stand against one let alone four but still, hurt his pride a little. "You will be necessary." The black Dalek told Galaxy who frowned when she noticed it meant her specifically, she didn't have much to think on it however when the Dalek swirled around to face the others, "Report, what is the status of the Genesis Ark?"

"Status...hibernation." The Second Dalek reported. "Commence awakening. The Genesis Ark must be protected above all else." The first one ordered. "The Daleks. You said they were all dead." Mickey said as he looked at Rose and Galaxy.

Galaxy had told him the reason why she had regenerated into her current look, what she had done to stop them, to save Rose and the Doctor, all at the cost of almost killing herself.

"Never mind that. What the hell's a Genesis Ark?" Rose asked Galaxy, surely should could know what it is, but she didn't answer. "Which one of you is least important?" The black Dalek asked as it turned to the group of humans. "What's that supposed to mean?" Rose asked frowning. "Which one of you is least important?" "No. We don't work like that. None of us." "Designate the least important!" The Dalek declared. "This is my responsibility. Rajesh said taking a step forward.

"Don't." Galaxy said as she grabbed his arm to stop him, she knew what the Daleks were going to do to him. "I er, I represent the Torchwood Institute. Anything you need, you come through me." Rajesh said ignoring her warning. "You will kneel." "What for?" "Kneel." The black Dalek said and Rajesh knelt down with his back to the Daleks. "The Daleks need information about current Earth history."

"Yeah, well, I can give you a certain amount of intelligence but nothing that will compromise Homeland security." Rajesh said and Galaxy sighed she wanted to stop this, but from seeing how much Rajesh was willing to sacrifice himself and didn't want to push her luck with the Daleks she could only watch. "Speech is not necessary. We will extract brainwaves."

The three Daleks surrounded Rajesh before they enveloped his head with their plungers. "Don't, I...I'll tell you everything you need. No. No!" Rajesh pleaded before screaming in pain and Galaxy stopped Mickey from getting closer to the Daleks, she refused to lose him and Rose. Once the Daleks were done getting the information they needed, the dry, dusty and really aged form of Rajesh dropped to the floor.

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