The Idiot's Lantern Pt3:

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The Doctor woke up to Astro nudging him awake and he saw a blank Bishop before he shook Galaxy and Tommy awake. "Tommy, Galaxy, wake up Come on!" Galaxy woke up but she felt a slight pain in her head before the look of fear appeared on her face. "Galaxy, hey. Look at me, you're okay." The Doctor turned her to face him when she sat up after seeing the look on her face and she quickly grasped onto his clothes and relaxed when she felt him wrap his arms around her and Astro nuzzle his nose against her hair.

She had felt her implants in her head fight against the Wire's attack that she almost thought something would happen to them, she didn't understand them anymore than she would like to, so as much as she doesn't like having them she knows she has to be careful and then there was the fact that the Doctor could have ended up like Bishop and the others, which was why she was scared when she woke up.

"What happened?" Tommy asked when he finally woke up and saw the Doctor and Astro giving Galaxy comfort and the Doctor looked at him over her shoulder. "Where's Magpie?"

"We don't even have know where to start looking. It's too late." Tommy said as they walked outside the shop, Astro could have gone after Magpie, but his creators were his first concern and seeing them unconscious on the floor had him seeing them as top priority. "It's never too late, as a wise person once said. Kylie, I think. There Wire's got big plans. It'll need. Yes, yes, yes, it's got to harvest half the population. Millions and millions of people and where are we?" The Doctor asked as he looked around.

"Muswell Hill." Tommy replied. "Muswell Hill. Muswell Hill! Which means Alexandra Palace, biggest TV transmitter in North London. Oh, that's why it chose this place. Tommy?" "What are you going to do?" "We're going shopping." The Doctor said and went back in the shop.

"Is this what you want?" Tommy asked when he pulled out a big valve. "Perfect! Right, I need one more thing." The Doctor said and he soon handed Galaxy and Tommy a collection of parts before running outside to the Tardis where they waited for him to come back. "Got it. Let's go." The four of them ran through the streets and the Doctor was building a contraption as they did so. "There!" Tommy shouted when he caught sight of Magpie. "Come on!"

"Wait, wait, wait! Where do you think..." A guard said when he saw them but the Doctor showed him his psychic paper, "Oh! I'm very sorry, sir. Shouldn't you be at the Coronation?" "They're saving me a seat!" The Doctor said as they they ran past the guard. "Who did he think you were?" Tommy asked him. "King of Belgium, apparently."


"Keep this switched on. Don't let anyone stop you, Tommy. Everything depends on it. You understand?" The Doctor asked as they were in the control room, Tommy nods his head and the Doctor looked at Galaxy who also nodded her head and he gave her a kiss on the cheek before he ran off. They kept an eye on the equipment and they soon saw the valve explode and the two looked at each other before looking for another one, Galaxy was able to find it and she replaced the old valve with the new one.

"What have I missed?" The Doctor asked when he walked back in after some time and Galaxy was relieved he was okay. "Doctor! What happened?" Tommy asked. "Sorted. Electrical creature, TV technology, clever alien life form. That's us by the way." The Doctor said indicating to him and Galaxy, "I turned the receiver back into a transmitter and I trapped the Wire in here." He showed them the VCR he created. "You created the home video thirty years early." Galaxy stated as she shook her head, trust the Doctor do something like that. "Betamax. Oh, look. God save the Queen, eh?"

The four went outside and saw all the people that had lost their faces had them back again. "Oh, it's my grandson. Oh, son." Tommy's gran said as Tommy ran up to her and they hugged. Galaxy and the Doctor watched as Astro ran ahead of them and smiled when it was toward Rose and they went to her themselves and three hugged.


"We could go down the Mall, join in the crowds." Rose said as they were walking down a street that had a party going on. "Nah, that's just pomp and circumstance. This is history right here." The Doctor said. "The domestic approach." "Exactly." "Will it, that thing, is it trapped for good on video?" Rose asked. "Hopefully. Just in case, I'll use my knowledge of transtemporal extirpation methods and neutralise the residual electronic pattern." Galaxy explained. "You what?" "She's going to tape over it." The Doctor said and Galaxy was actually just planning on throwing it into a supernova but that works as well. "Just leave it to me. I'm always doing that." Rose laughed.

"Tell you what, Tommy, you can have the scooter. Little present. Best, er, keep it in the garage for a few years though, eh?" The Doctor said to Tommy when they saw him and he nodded his head before looking over to see his father leaving the house. "Good riddance." Tommy mumbled. "Is that it, then, Tommy? New monarch, new age, new world. No room for a man like Eddie Connolly." The Doctor said to him. "That's right. He deserves it."

"Tommy, go after him." Galaxy told him. "What for?" "He's your dad." "He's an idiot." "Yeah he is. But he's also your dad. And you're clever, clever enough to save the world, don't stop there. Go." Galaxy said and Tommy looked at her, the Doctor and Rose before running after Mr Connolly, the Doctor handed Galaxy and Rose each a glass of orange and they all clink their glasses before taking a sip.

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