Utopia Pt3:

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After the power came on, everyone ran around, trying to get the controls working and everything up and running. Martha and Chanto had gone out to get some circuit boards while the men and Galaxy rushed about.

"Is that..." The Doctor started, having seen the results on Galaxy's computer wrist Astro sent after smelling one of the cords for him. "Yes, gluten extract." Yana said, nodding. "Binds the neutrino map together, doesn't it?" Galaxy asked and he gave her an impressed smile.

"But that's food. You've built this system out of food and string and staples?" The Doctor asked. "You're a genius, Professor Yana." Galaxy told him, smiling. "Says the woman who made it work." He said in return.

"It's easy coming in at the end but this...you're stellar. It's magnificent and sadly we don't ever get to say that often because of him." Galaxy nodded to the Doctor. "Well, even my title is an affectation. There hasn't been such a thing as a university for over a thousand years. I've spent my life going from one refugee ship to another."

"If you'd been born in a different time, you'd be revered. I mean it. Throughout the galaxies." The Doctor said. "Oh, those damned galaxies. They had to go and collapse. Some admiration would have been nice. Just a little. Just once." Yana said, sighing. "Well you've got it now."

"That footprint engine though. You can't activate it from onboard. It's got to be done from here." Galaxy said. "You're staying behind?" The Doctor asked, looking at the professor. "With Chanto. She won't leave without me. Simply refuses." Yana told them. "You would give your life so they could fly."

"Oh, I think I'm a little too old for Utopia. Time I had some sleep." Yana said.

"Professor, tell the Doctor we've found his blue box!" Atilo's voice sounded over the system.

"Ah!" The Doctor shouted as Astro's tail wagged.

"Doctor." Jack called from the monitor. The Doctor and Yana joined him while Galaxy stayed to finish setting the side of circuits she was working on. "Professor, it's a wild stab in the dark but I may just have found you a way out." The Doctor ran out of the room to get the Tardis, not noticing Yana staring at the box on the screen, a pained look returning in his face.

Astro looked up at Galaxy and frowned when she rubbed her head slightly. 'Galaxy?' He called in concern and he saw a slight pain in her eyes when she looked down at him with a small smile. 'I'm fine, Astro.' She assured him.

The Tardis appeared in a small corner of the room and the Doctor ran out with a long power line behind him and he plugged it into an outlet.

"Extra power. Little bit of a cheat, but who's counting? Jack, you're in charge of the retro feeds." The Doctor said then looked at Galaxy to see her rubbing her head again, "Galaxy, are you okay?" He asked and she smiled at him, the pounding in her head disappearing.

"Yeah. Fine." She told him but he was still frowning and was going to ask more when Martha and Chanto walked in. "Oh, am I glad to see that thing." Martha said as she grinned at the Tardis. "Probably not as much as Astro." Galaxy joked as she smirked slightly. "Chan-professor, are you alright-tho?" Chanto asked as she looked at Yana.

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm fine. Just get on with it." He said as he sat up straighter and Astro frowned a little bit more. "Connect those circuits into the spar, same as the last lot. But quicker." Jack told Martha. "Yes, sir." She said, going to do it.

"You don't have to keep working, we can handle it." The Doctor said to Yana. "It's just a headache. Just...just noise inside my head. Constant noise inside my head." He brushed off. "What sort of noise?" The Doctor asked. "The sound of drums. More and more as though it's getting closer."

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