Daleks in Manhattan Pt2:

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"Where are we going?" Martha asked as they ran through the sewers. "This way!" Galaxy shouted as they turned right and kept running with the pig men chasing after them. "There's a ladder!" The Doctor shouting, climbing it.

He used his sonic on the lid then climbed out, followed by Martha then Astro when Galaxy helped him up to the opening then climbed out herself. Solomon hesitated when Frank moved to pick up a metal bar to hold the pig men back.

"Frank!" He shouted as he climbed the ladder. Frank looked to see the others had made it and ran to the ladder, climbing it as well. Once Solomon was up he reached back down and held a hand out for Frank to take. "C'mon, Frank! C'mon!" He shouted. "I've got you. C'mon!" The Doctor added.

The pig men swarmed at the bottom of the ladder though and grabbed Frank and they pulled him down into the sewer.

"Frank!" Solomon shouted. "No!" The Doctor and Galaxy called and the Doctor moved to head back down but Solomon pushed him aside and closed the lid before the pig men could climb up. "We can't go after him." He told them. "We've got to go back down. We can't just leave him." Galaxy said.

"No, I'm not losing anybody else. Those creatures were from Hell. From Hell itself! If we go after them, they'll take us all! There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry." Solomon said.

"Alright then." A showgirl said as she moved from a shelf with a gun in her hand, "Put 'em up! Hands in the air and no funny business." She said and cocked her gun and Solomon, the Doctor and Galaxy put their hands up, "Now tell me, you schmucks, what've you done with Lazlo?"

"Um, who's Lazlo?" Martha asked, lowering her arms slightly. "Laszlo's my boyfriend. Or was my boyfriend until he disappeared two weeks ago. No letter, no goodbye, no nothing. And I'm not stupid. I know some guys are just pigs but not my Lazlo. I mean, what kind of guy asks you to meet his mother before vamooses?"

"It might help if you put the gun down." Galaxy said nodding to it. "Huh? Oh sure." She said and tossed the gun onto a chair, "Oh, c'mon. It's not real. It's just a prop. It was either that or a spear." She told them. "What do you think happened to Lazlo?" Martha asked. "I wish I knew. One minute he's here, the next, zip, vanished."

"Listen, ah what's your name?" The Doctor asked.


"Tallulah." Galaxy said.

"Three Ls and an H."

"Right. We can try to find Lazlo, but he's not the only one. There are people disappearing every night." The Doctor said. "And there are creatures. Such creatures." Solomon added. "What do you mean, creatures?" Tallulah asked. "Look. Listen, just trust me. Everyone is in danger. I need to find out exactly what this is." The Doctor said, pulling out the jellyfish, "Because then I'll know exactly what we're fighting."



Galaxy had her hair up in a ponytail and her coat and hat off as she sat at a desk with a lot of different parts on it and working on making the DNA scanner they'd need to use on the jellyfish.

Astro was laying by her feet and the Doctor was leaning against the desk, handing her things when she needed them, he knew when she got into making things she had a tendency to get snappy if he accidentally breaks the flow she had going, which is why he usually liked to do it for fun just to annoy her.

"How about this? I found it backstage." Solomon said as he walked over with a radio in his hand. "That's perfect, Solomon. Thanks." Galaxy said as she smiled and took the radio, "I just need the capacitors to rig up a crude little DNA scanner..." She said as she pried it apart.

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