Smith, Knight & Jones Pt3:

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Flashes of light was going on inside the MRL room as Galaxy entered it, she could see statics of energy dancing off the scanner before looking toward Florence who was at the controls, working.

"Have you seen those things around? The big space rhino things. I mean, rhinos from space and we're on the moon, while those giant rhinos have guns. I only came with my husband to have his bunions checked, everything's okay now, I'd recommend this hospital to anyone but, we ended up on the moon. Did I mention rhinos?"

"Hold her." Florence ordered and the Slab came out from behind the door and grabbed Galaxy's arms. "That machine there, is it suppose to make that noise?" Galaxy asked her. "You wouldn't understand." "It is a magnetic resonance imaging thing, right? Kinda like a giant magnet. I did magnetics GCSE."

"The magnetic setting now increased to fifty thousand Telsa." Florence said. "That's a bit strong, isn't it?" Galaxy asked her. "It'll send out a magnetic pulse that'll fry the brain stems of every living thing within two hundred and fifty thousand miles. Except for me, safe in this room." She explained. "Okay, but doesn't that distance also include the Earth? I did some geography GCSE, never passed it."

"Only the side facing the moon. The other half will survive. Call it my little gift." "Uh-huh, and why would you do that?" Galaxy asked. "With everyone dead, the Judoon ships will be mine, to make my escape." She told her. "Now, you're talking like some sort of alien." "Quite so."

"No!" Galaxy said, bringing out her inner Doctor, as Astro would say. "Oh, yes." "You're joshing me." "I am not." Florence said. "I'm having a conversation with an alien? While in hospital? Does this place have an ET department or something?" She remarked. "It's the perfect hiding place. Blood banks downstairs for a midnight snack, and all this equipment ready to arm myself with should the police come looking."

"Then these rhinos are looking for you." Galaxy summarised. "Yes. But I'm hidden." Florence said. "That's probably why they're increasing their scans." Galaxy shrugged. "They're doing what?" Florence asked. "Oh yeah, the leader rhino said no sign of a non-human, we must increase our scans up to setting two." She told her. "Than I must assimilate again."

"That means what exactly?" Galaxy asked tilting her head. "I must appear to be human." "Well, you're more than welcome to come home and see my husband. He'd be honoured. I can make some cake." Galaxy said smiling. "Why should I have cake? I've got my little straw." Florence said bringing a straw out of her bag. "Oh, is that for milkshake? I like strawberry."

"You're quite the funny woman. And yet, think, laughing on purpose at the darkness. I think it's time you found some peace. Steady her!" Florence ordered and the Slab forced Galaxy down to her knees before moving her hair and turning her head so Florence had a clear shot at her jugular with her straw. "What are you doing?" Galaxy asked. "I'm afraid this is going to hurt. But if it's any consolation, the dead don't tend to remember."

Florence stuck her straw into Galaxy's vein and started to suck her blood and continued to do so when the Judoon entered before hiding the straw away in her handbag and the Slab dropped Galaxy.

"Now see what you've done. This poor lady just died of fright." Florence said. "Scan her. Confirmation. Deceased." The Judoon said as Martha and the Doctor ran into the room. "No, she can't be. Let me through. Let me see her." Martha said. "Stop. Case closed." "But it was her. She killed her. She did it. She murdered her." Martha argued. "Judoon have no authority over human crime."

"But she's not human." Martha said pointing to Florence. "Oh, but I am. I've been catalogued." Florence said showing her hand. "But she's not! She assimi... Wait a minute. You drank her blood? Galaxy's blood?" Martha said before grabbing a scanner a pointed it Florence. "Oh, I don't mind. Scan all you like."

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