The Sound of Drums Pt3:

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One of the Toclafane shot a laser at the President, disintegrating him. It caused the room to burst into chaos, everyone tried to leave but the guards held them in with their weapons.

"Now then, peoples of the Earth, please attend carefully." The Master spoke to the camera.

The Doctor leapt forward, trying to get to him, but the guards rushed forward and seized him, forcing him to his knees. Galaxy pulled off her key, preparing to help but she didn't get the chance as she was grabbed as well.

"We meet at last, Doctor. Oh, ho. I love saying that." The Master said. "Master, stop it!" Galaxy shouted, making him look at her and he smiled. "As if a perception filter's going to work on me, but look how beautiful you've grown. And look, it's the girlie and the freak and your metal wolf. Although, I'm not sure which one's which."

Jack ran forward and the Master shot him with the laser, forcing him to the side. Galaxy fought against the hold of the guards, wanting to be at Jack's side but they wouldn't let her go. She knew Jack would come back but she also knew it would hurt so much when he did.

"Laser screwdriver, who'd have sonic?" The Master smirked, though Galaxy caught a slight look in his eyes, "And the good thing is, he's not dead for long. I get to kill him again!"

Galaxy winced slightly when she heard the drumbeat in her head as the Master got more and more excited with what he was doing.

"Master, just calm down. Just look at what you're doing. Just stop. If you could only see yourself." The Doctor said. "Oh, do excuse me. Little bit of personal business. Back in a minute. Let him go." The Master ordered and guards pushed the Doctor to the floor.

"It's that sound, the sound in your head. What if we could help?" The Doctor said.

"Oh, how to shut him up? I know. Memory Lane! Professor Lazarus. Remember him and his genetic manipulation device? What, did you think that little Tish got that job merely by coincidence? I've been laying traps for you all this time. And if I can concentrate all that Lazarus project into one little screwdriver? But, ooo, if I only had the Doctor's biological code. Oh, wait a minute, I do." The Master said and opened a large metal briefcase, "I've got his hand. And if Lazarus made himself younger, what if I reverse it? Another hundred years?"

"No!" Galaxy shouted, struggling against the men's grip on her as the Master aged the Doctor with his screwdriver. The Master stopped and the Doctor slumped on the ground, now a very old man and Astro went over to him and gave him support to lean on while Martha checked on him.

"Aw, she's a would-be doctor. But tonight, Martha Jones, we've flown 'em in all the way from prison..." The Master said and the door opened to reveal Martha's family being pulled into the room.

"Mum." Martha called.

"I'm sorry." Her mother cried.

"What are the Toclafane?" Galaxy asked, glaring at the Master. "Sweet Galaxy, if I told you the truth, your hearts would break and that's the last thing I'd ever want." He said and she almost scoffed. He aged the man she loved, the pain alone was enough to break them!

"Is it time? Is it ready?"

"Is the machine singing?"

"Two minutes past. So, earthlings. Basically, er, end of the world. Here come the drums!" The Master shouted and Rogue Trader's song 'Voodoo Child' started playing as the paradox machine in the Tardis activated.

A tear in the sky appeared above the Valiant and thousands of spheres poured out. The Master ran to the window, turning his back on the Doctor who leaned over to Martha, whispering to her.

"How many do you think?"

"I-I don't know."

"Six billion. Down you go, kids."

The spheres headed to the population centres and opened fire, killing 10 percent of it like the Master ordered. Messages started flooring in from all over the world as people were killed and Martha teleported away with Jack's Manipulator.

The Master had Galaxy move, despite the pain in her head, so she was standing beside him by the window, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they watched the slaughter.

"And so, it came to pass that the human race fell, and the Earth was no more. And I looked down upon my new dominion as Master of all, and I thought it was good. What about you...Sissy?"

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