The Runaway Bride Pt4:

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"We're here. Want to see?" Galaxy asked Donna as she went over to her once the Tardis stopped. "I suppose." She said sighing. "Oh, that scanner's a bit small. Maybe your way's best. Come on. No human's ever seen this. You'll be the first." The Doctor said going to the doors with Astro. "All I want to see is my bed." Donna said as she and Galaxy walked up.

"Donna Noble, welcome to the creation of the Earth." Galaxy said and pushed the doors open. Outside, lumps of rock floated around in space while the sun shone in the distance. "We're back 4.6 billion years, there's not a solar system yet just dust and gas. Got the sun though, beginning to burn." Astro explained. "Where's the Earth?" Donna asked them. "All around us in the dust."

"Puts the wedding in perspective. Lance was right. We're just tiny." Donna said. "No, but that's what you do. The human race makes sense out of chaos. Marking it out with weddings and Christmas and calenders. This whole process is beautiful, but only if it's being observed." The Doctor told her. "So I came out of all this?" Donna asked. "Brilliant, isn't it?" Galaxy asked just as a large rock drift past them.

"I think that's the Isle of Wight." Donna joked. "Gravity will soon take hold. A single big rock, heavier than the others will start to pull the other rocks to it. All this dust and gas and elements will get pulled in. Everything, just piling in until you get..." "The Earth." Donna summarised Galaxy's explanation. "But the question is, what was that first rock?" The Doctor asked.

"Think we got our answer." Astro said as he picked up something and soon enough a seven pointed star spaceship came out of the dust cloud in the distance. "The Racnoss." Galaxy said recognising the ship. "Hold on. The Racnoss are hiding from the war." The Doctor said and went to the console, "What's it doing?" He asked. "Exactly what Galaxy said." Donna said and he rejoined them.

They saw as the rocks and dust were drawn toward the spaceship like some sort of beacon. "Oh, they didn't just bury something at the centre of the Earth. They became the centre of the Earth. The first rock." The Doctor said. 'Astro, you may want to tell them there's a problem.' Astro heard in his head but as he turned to the console, explosions went off. "What was that?"

"Trouble." Astro said as Galaxy closed the doors and they went back to the console as the Tardis started throwing them around. "What the hell's it doing?" "Remember that little trick of mine, particles pulling particles. Well, it works in reverse. They're pulling us back." The Doctor said. "Well, can't you two stop it? Hasn't it got a handbrake? Can't you reverse or warp or beam or something?"

"Hold on. The extrapolator!" Galaxy exclaimed and grabbed a surfboard device and placed it down on the console, "It won't stop us but it will give us a good bump." She added. "Now!" The Doctor shouted and hit the device which caused the Tardis, which had appeared before the Empress, to change it's location to a lower basement corridor and the three ran out while Astro stayed behind.

"We're about two hundred years to the right. Come on." The Doctor said and they ran down the corridor. "But what do we do?" Donna asked them. "I don't know. We make it as we go along. But trust us, we've got a history." The Doctor said as they came to a door that he used his stethoscope on. "But I still don't understand. I'm full of particles, but what for?"

"A Racnoss web is at the centre of the Earth and our people unravelled their power source. The Huon particles ceased to exist then but the Racnoss were stuck." Galaxy said both she and the Doctor unaware of a robot grabbing Donna. "They've just taken hibernation for billions of years. Frozen, dead, kaput. So you're the new key. Brand new particles, living particles! They need you to open it and you have never been so quiet." The Doctor added and the two realised she was gone.

"Great, I'm turning more into you of not noticing things." Galaxy sighed and brought her sonic key out to open the door only for her and the Doctor to see two robots pointing their guns at them.

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