School Reunion Pt1:

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The Doctor and Galaxy entered a science classroom at the school they were at, Galaxy had wanted to cover an art class but the Doctor had practically begged her to join him and she found herself being unable to say no.

"Good morning, class. Are we sitting comfortably?" The Doctor as the two stood at the desk before he turned and wrote the word 'Physics' on the whiteboard behind him while Galaxy leaned against the desk. "So, physics. Physics, eh? Physics. Physics. Physics! Physics, physics." The Doctor rambled as he moved to the front of the desk to lean back on it and he sent a smile to Galaxy when he threw his head back and she smiled back before pushing his head back so he was standing upright.

"One of you had better be getting this all down. Let's start with what you know. Two identical strips of nylon are charged with static electricity and hung from a string so they can swing freely. What would happen if they were brought near each other?" Galaxy asked the class and only one person raised their hand, it was a boy with glasses. "Yes, what's your name?" She asked him. "Milo," Milo answered.

"Milo! Off you go." The Doctor said. "They'd repel each other because they have the same charge." "Correctamundo! A word I have never used before and hopefully never will again." 'I'll make sure you never say it again.' Galaxy spoke in his mind, "Question 2: I coil up a think piece of microwire and place it in a glass of water. Then I turn on the electricity and measure to see if the water's temperature is affected. My question is. How do I measure the electrical power going into the coil?" The Doctor asked and again it was just Milo to raise his hand while the rest of the students just looked bored out of their minds.

"No one else want to try? Go ahead, Milo." Galaxy nodded to the boy. "Measure the current and PDs in an ammeter and a voltmeter," Milo answered. "Right again. Okay, then tell me this. True or false. The greater the dampening of the system, the quicker it loses energy to its surroundings." Galaxy said as she stood up straight. "False." "What is non-coding DNA?" The Doctor asked. "DNA that doesn't code for a protein." "Sixty-five thousand nine hundred and eighty-three times five?" Galaxy asked him. "Three hundred and twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and fifteen."

"How do you travel faster than light?" The Doctor asked him. "By opening a quantum tunnel with an FTL factor of thirty-six point seven recurring," Milo answered and both Galaxy's and the Doctor's jaw's dropped at it.


Galaxy and the Doctor were both standing in line waiting to be served food at lunch when they suddenly had mash potato slopped onto their trays by a young woman and Galaxy rolled her eyes slightly as she saw the grin on the Doctor's face as they walked away to find a vacant table to sit at.

"Two days," Rose said to the two as she went to wipe their table. "Sorry, could you just? There's a bit of gravy. No, no, just, just there." The Doctor said pointing and Galaxy shook her head at him but she had a smile on her face. "Two days, we've been here." "Blame your boyfriend. He's the one who put us onto this." The Doctor said and Galaxy nudged him in the arm a bit, Galaxy had been happy to hear from Mickey when he called Rose for help and wouldn't take no for an answer to help him. "He was right though, a boy in our class this morning has a knowledge that's beyond Earth's standards," Galaxy added as she rested her arms on the table.

"You eating those chips?" Rose asked as she looked at the Doctor's tray, both he and Galaxy hadn't really touched them. "Yeah, they're a bit different." "I think they're gorgeous. Wish I had some school dinners like this." Rose said as she took one of the chips and ate it as she sat down at the table with them. "I have to say this place is well behaved." Galaxy noted as she looked at the students, she would have thought that at least a couple of students would misbehave or mess around but none of them had. "Mmm."

"I thought there'd be happy slapping hoodies. Happy slapping hoodies with ASBOs. Happy slapping hoodies with ASBOs and ringtones. Huh? Huh? Oh, yeah. Don't tell me I don't fit in." The Doctor said and the girls just looked at him before the head dinner lady came over to them. "You are not permitted to leave your station during a sitting." The lady said to Rose. "I was just talking to these teachers," Rose said as she stood up. "Hello." "Hi." "He doesn't like the chips." Rose pointed to the Doctor but then Galaxy didn't really like them either.

"The menu has been specifically designed by the headmaster to improve concentration and performance. Now, get back to work." "See? This is me. Dinner lady." Rose sighed as she started to walk away. "I'd like to try the crumble." Galaxy called smiling. "I'm so going to kill you both," Rose called back making the two laugh as she left them.


"Yesterday, I had a twelve-year-old girl give me the exact height of the Walls of Troy in cubits." Parsons, a fellow teacher told Galaxy and the Doctor as they spoke to him in the staff room, they were seeing if anyone else suddenly got the case of the smarts and it seems they were right. "And, it's ever since the new headmaster arrived?" The Doctor asked him. "Finch arrived three months ago. Next day, half the staff got flu. Finch replaced them with that lot, except for the teachers you two replaced, and that was just plain weird, them winning the lottery like that."

"Weird how?" Galaxy asked him. "They never played. Said the tickets were posted their doors at midnight." "Hmm. The world is very strange." The Doctor said and he and Galaxy shared a smile. "Excuse me, colleagues." The two turned to see Finch had walked into the room and they saw a very familiar face, "A moment of your time. May I introduce Miss Sarah Jane Smith. Miss Smith is a journalist who's writing a profile about me for the Sunday Times. I thought it would be useful for her to get a view from the trenches, so to speak. Don't spare my blushes." Finch said before leaving.

"Hello," Sarah said to the Doctor and Galaxy when she caught them looking at her and she walked up to them. "Oh, I should think so." The Doctor replied. "And, you are?" "Hm? Er, Smith. John Smith and this is my wife, Lilith Smith." Galaxy cringed a bit at the last name, she always felt that Smith didn't go with Lilith, she did think it suited it but for her when she uses that name, Knight feels better to say than Smith. "John and Lilith Smith. I used to have friends who sometimes went by that name." Sarah said and she was reminded more of one them as she glanced at Galaxy's purple highlights.

"Well, they're very common names." The Doctor said and Galaxy thought that more people were called John then they were Lilith. "They were a very uncommon couple. Nice to meet you both." Sarah said as she shook both of their hands. "Nice to meet you. Yes, very nice. More than nice. Brilliant." The Doctor said grinning and Galaxy couldn't really blame him, even she was happy to see Sarah again. "Er, so, er, have you two worked here long?"

"It's only our second day." Galaxy answered smiling at her. "Oh, you're new, then. So, what do you think of the school? I mean, this new curriculum? So many children getting ill. Doesn't that strike you as odd?" She asked them. "You don't sound like someone just doing a profile." The Doctor said with a grin still on his face. "Well, no harm in a little investigating while I'm here." "No. Good for you." The Doctor said and Galaxy started to worry for his face by how big the grin was on his face, "Good, for you. Oh, good for you, Sarah Jane Smith."


"Oh, it's weird seeing school at night. It just feels wrong. When I was a kid, I used to think all the teachers slept in school." Rose said as she, Galaxy, Astro, the Doctor and Mickey walked through the dark hallways of the school corridors during the night, so they could investigate without students or teachers being around. "All right, team. Oh, I hate people who say, team. Er, gang. Er, comrades. Anyway, Rose, go to the kitchen. Get a sample of that oil. Mickey, the new staff are all Maths teachers. Go and check out the Maths department. Me, Astro and Galaxy are going to look in Finch's office. Be back in ten minutes." The Doctor said before grabbing Galaxy's hand and the went upstairs with Astro following after them.

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