The Runaway Bride Pt3:

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"To you lot this might just be a locksmiths, but HC Clements was brought up twenty-three years ago by the Torchwood Institute." The Doctor said as they arrived at HC Clements. "Who are they?" Donna asked confused. "They were behind the battle of Canary Wharf. The Cybermen invasion. London sky filled with Daleks?" Galaxy asked when she saw the confused look on Donna.

"I was in Spain." "But there were Cybermen in Spain." "Scuba diving." Donna said and the Doctor and Galaxy looked at each other. "That big picture, Donna. You keep missing it." The Doctor told her, "Torchwood was destroyed, but HC Clements stayed in business. I think someone else came in and took over the operation." "But what do they want with me?" "For some reason you're dosed with Huon energy, energy that hasn't existed since the Dark Times. You'd only be able find Huon particles in the heart of the Tardis." Galaxy told her.

"Say, that's the Tardis." The Doctor said and he picked up a coffee mug, "And this is you." He said as Galaxy handed him a pencil from her pocket, "The particles inside you activated. The two sets of particles magnetised and whap." He shook the mug and pencil before dropping the pencil into the mug, "You were pulled inside the Tardis."

"I'm a pencil inside a mug?"

"Yes you are. Lance? Do you know what HC Clements was working on? Anything top secret or special operations? Places you can't enter?" Galaxy asked him. "I don't know, I'm in charge of personnel. I wasn't project manager. Why am I even explaining myself? What the hell are we talking about?" Lance asked freaking out while Galaxy went to a computer and got it to work and brought up a plan of the building.

"They make keys, that's point. And look at this. We're on the third floor." The Doctor said looking over her shoulder.


"Underneath reception, there's a basement, yes? Then how come when you look on the lift, there's a button marked lower basement? There's a whole floor which doesn't exist on the official plans. So what's down there, then?" The Doctor asked. "Are you telling me this building's got a secret floor?" Lance asked. "No, we're showing you this building's got a secret floor."

"It needs a key." Donna told them. "Luckily I have one." Galaxy said grinning and pulled out her sonic key from under her coat and used it on the LB button. "Right then. Thanks, you two. We can handle this. See you later." The Doctor told them. "No chance, Martian. You're the man and woman who keeps saving my life. I ain't letting you out of my sight."

"Going down." Galaxy said smiling as Donna joined them in the lift. "Lance!" "Maybe I should go to the police." "Inside." Donna said and he sighed before joining them. "To honour and obey?" The Doctor asked. "Tell me about it, mate." "Oi!"


The lift reached the lower basement and it was an eerie green down the corridor. "Where are we? Well, what goes on down here?" Donna asked as they got out the lift. "Let's find out." The Doctor said. "Do you think Mister Clements knows about this place?"

"I think he could be a part of it. How convenient we have transport." Galaxy said nodding to four Segways which they used to go down the corridor and Donna couldn't help but laugh which had Galaxy laughing a bit as well. They soon made it to a bulkhead door labelled 'Torchwood. Authorised Personnel only.' and the Doctor turned a wheel on a door to reveal a ladder when opened.

"Wait here. Just need to get my bearings. Don't do anything." The Doctor said pointing to Donna and Lance, "Look after them." He said to Galaxy who nodded her head. "You'd better come back." Donna told him as he started up the ladder. "I couldn't get rid of you if I tried." He said before disappearing up the ladder.

"Donna, have you thought about this? Properly? I mean, this is serious! What the hell are we going to do?" Lance asked. "Oh, I thought July." Donna said making Galaxy chuckle. "Thames flood barrier right on top of us." The Doctor said when he came back down sometime later, "Torchwood snuck in and built this place underneath."

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