Smith, Knight & Jones Pt1:

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Galaxy was sat in a chair with one of her sketchbooks open in her lap next to the Doctor who was laying in a hospital bed when the curtain around them was pushed back by an older man with some young doctors.

"Now then, Mister Smith, a very good morning to you. How are you today?" The older man, Stoker, asked. "Oh, not so bad. Still a bit, you know, blah." The Doctor replied. "John Smith admitted yesterday with severe abdominal pains. Jones, why don't you see what you can find? Amaze me." Stoker said and the Doctor and Galaxy looked at the young woman they had actually come across earlier in the day.

"That wasn't very clever, running around outside, was it?" The woman said to the Doctor. "Sorry?" Galaxy asked her curiously. "On Chancellor Street this morning? You came up to me and you took your tie off." The woman told them and Galaxy looked at the Doctor. "Really? What did I do that for?" He asked. "I don't know, you just did."

"Not me. I was here, in bed. Ask the nurses, you can even ask my girlfriend Lillith here." The Doctor said and Galaxy smiled. "Well, that's weird, cause it looked like you. Have you got a brother?" The woman asked. "No, not any more. Just me." The Doctor answered. "As time passes and I grow ever more infirm and weary, Miss Jones." Stoker spoke up. "Sorry. Right."

'Miss Jones' then proceeded to listen to the Doctor's chest and was surprised when she heard both his heartbeats and he winked at her when she looked at him with surprise.

"I weep for future generations. Are you having trouble locating the heart, Miss Jones?" Stoker asked. "Er, I don't know. Stomach cramps?" She suggested. "That is a symptom, not a diagnosis. And you rather failed basic techniques by not consulting first with the patient's charts." He said and got an electric shock from the metal clip on the chart. "That happened to me this morning." 'Miss Jones' said. "I had the same thing on the door handle."

"And me, on the lift." "That's only to be expected. There's a thunderstorm moving in and lighting is a form of static electricity as was first proven by. Anyone?" Stoker asked. "Benjamin Franklin." Galaxy said. "My mate, Ben. That was a day and a half. I got rope burns off that kite, and then we got soaked." The Doctor said. "Quite." "And then you got electrocuted." Galaxy added.

"Moving on. I think perhaps a visit from psychiatric. And next we have..." Stoker went on moving away and Galaxy and the Doctor exchanged grins with 'Miss Jones' as she walked away.


Galaxy was back to sketching in her sketchbook still in her seat while the Doctor started to get out of bed. "Where are you going?" She asked not looking up from her book. "Just for a walk. Am I not allowed to do that?" He asked her and she looked at him then with a smirk. "Depends, because when you do I end up losing you and when I find you, you've either discovered or invented something way to early." She remarked and he rolled his eyes at her.

Suddenly, a big thunder rolled and lighting flashed making the building to tilt side to side before stopping and Galaxy and the Doctor went to see what was going on and saw the hospital now found itself on the moon.

"All right, everyone back to bed, we've got an emergency but we'll sort it out. Don't worry." Miss Jones said as she entered the room they were in and the Doctor went back to his bed and Galaxy drew the curtain to give him privacy while he got dressed and she stayed on the outside. "It's real. It's really real. Hold one." Miss Jones said as she and her co-worker went to the window and she reached out to open it.

"Don't! we'll lose all the air." Her co-worker said as she stopped her. "But they're not exactly air tight. If the air was going to get sucked out it would have happened straight away, but it didn't. So how come?" Miss Jones asked and the Doctor opened the curtain, now dressed. "Very good point. Brilliant, in fact. What was your name?"

"Martha." Martha said. "Martha Jones, well, Martha, here's the question, how are we still breathing?" Galaxy asked her as they went over to the window as well. "We can't be." Martha's co-worker cried. "Obviously we are, so don't waste our time. Martha, what have we got? Is there a balcony on this floor, or a veranda, or..."

"By the patients' lounge, yeah." She said nodding. "Fancy going out?" The Doctor asked. "Okay." Martha shrugged. "We might die." Galaxy warned her. "We might not." She shot back making Galaxy smirk. "Good. Come on. Not her, she'd hold us up." The Doctor said pointing to the co-worker and the three went off.

They finally made it to the patients' lounge and opened a glass door before stepping out and they all took a deep breath. "We've got air. How does that work?" Martha asked. "Be happy that it does." Galaxy said. "I've got a party tonight. It's my brother's twenty first. My mother's going to be really, really..." "You okay?" Galaxy asked her. "Yeah." "Sure?" The Doctor asked. "Yeah." "Want to go back in?"

"No way. I mean, we could die any minute, but all the same, it's beautiful." Martha told them. "Do you think?" The Doctor asked. "How many people want to go to the moon? And here we are." She said. "Standing in the Earthlight." "What do you two think happen?" "What do you think?" The Doctor asked. "Extraterrestrail. It's got to be. I don't know, a few years ago that would have sounded mad, but these days? That spaceship flying into Big Ben, Christmas, those Cybermen things. I had a cousin. Adeola. She worked at Canary Wharf. She never came home."

"We're sorry." The Doctor said. "Yeah." "We were there, during the battle." Galaxy told her. "I promise you, Mr Smith and Miss Knight, we will find a way out. If we can travel to the moon, then we can travel back. There's got to be a way." Martha swore. "It's not Smith and Knight. Those aren't our real names." The Doctor told her. "Who are you two, then?"

"I'm the Doctor, this is Galaxy." "Me too, if I can pass my exams. What is it then, Doctor Smith?" Martha asked. "Just the Doctor." He told her. "How do you mean, just the Doctor?" "Just the Doctor." "What, people call you the Doctor?" Martha asked. "Yeah." "Well, I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, you've got to earn that title." She said and Galaxy smirked at how she was able to respond quickly.

"Well, I'd better make a start, then." The Doctor said. "We should see what's here. There should be some sort of..." Galaxy said pulling out one of Astro's tennis balls and threw it and it bounced back off of, "A forcefield keeping the air in. Clever." She carried on catching the ball. "But if that's like a bubble sealing us in, that means this is the only air we've got. What happens when it runs out?"

"How many people in this hospital?" The Doctor asked. "I don't know. One thousand?" Martha guessed. "One thousand people suffocating." He told her. "Why would anyone do that?" She asked them. "Head's up. Ask them yourselves." The Doctor said and the three saw three massive columnar spaceships pass overhead before landing nearby.

"Aliens. That's aliens. Real, proper aliens." Martha said as columns of marching beings could be seen marching out from the ship. "Judoon."


The Doctor, Galaxy and Martha watched from higher ground as the Judoon scanned the people below as though looking for someone. "Oh, look down there, you've got a little shop. I like a little shop." The Doctor said making Galaxy roll her eyes. "Never mind that. What are Judoon?" Martha asked them.

"They're like the police, just for hire. Guess they're more like thugs now that I think about it." Galaxy noted. "And they brought us to the moon?" "Neutral territory. According to galactic law, they've got no jurisdictions over the Earth, and they isolated it. That rain, lightening? That was them, using an H20 scoop." The Doctor explained. "What are you on about, galactic law? Where'd you get that from? If they're police, are we under arrest? Are we trespassing on the moon or something?"

"If only it were that simple. They're making a catalogue what that means is they're hunting a non-human, which is bad news for myself and the Doctor here." Galaxy told her. "Why?" She asked and they looked at her, "Oh, you're kidding me. Don't be ridiculous. Stop looking at me like that." She carried on. "Come on then."

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