The Satan Pit Pt1:

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"Open fire!" Jefferson shouted and he and the guard with them started shooting at the Ood. "We're stabilising. We've got orbit." Zach informed them as the shaking stopped and Rose ran back to the comm. "Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor, Ida, are you there?" She called over the comm. "Open door 25." The computer announced and Jefferson and the guard got ready to fire again. "It's me! But they're coming." Danny said as he came through and saw the guns. "Close door 25." "It's the Ood. They've gone mad."

"How many of them have?" Galaxy asked him. "All of them! All fifty!" He exclaimed. "Danny, out of the way. Out of the way!" Jefferson shouted as Danny didn't move away from the door. "But they're armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon." "Open door 25." Jefferson opened the door and there were Ood on the other side and the one in front used it's globe to kill the guard and Jefferson started shooting again.

"Jefferson, what's happening there?" Zach called out to Jefferson, they were able to hold back the Ood but they were pretty much trapped in the drilling area. "I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?" Jefferson asked him. "All I've got is a bolt gun. With er, all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is." "Given the emergency, I recommend strategy nine." "Strategy Nine. Agreed. Right, we need to get everyone together. Rose? Galaxy? What about Ida and the Doctor? Any word?"

"Nothing, we keep trying but it's..." Galaxy said over the comm. "No, sorry, I'm fine. Still here." The Doctor's voice came through but it was static. "Remind me to kill you after this." Galaxy said to him, she had been worried again when he didn't respond to Rose, yes she could still sense him but that didn't change the fact she was worried. "Whoa. Careful. Anyway, it's both of us. Me and Ida. Hello. But the seal opened up. It's gone. All we've got left is this chasm." The Doctor said. "How deep is it?" Zach asked him. "Can't tell. It looks like it goes down forever."

"The pit is open. That's what the voice said." Rose said as she looked at Galaxy who nodded her head. "But there's nothing, I mean there's nothing coming out?" "No, no. No sign of the Beast." "It said Satan." Rose said. "Come on, Rose. Keep it together." "Is there no such thing? Tell me there's no such thing." Rose said as she looked at Galaxy, hoping she would giver her an answer. "Who knows." Was the only thing she got from the woman along with a shoulder shrug. "Ida? I recommend that you withdraw. Immediately."

"But, we've come all this way." Ida said. "Okay. That was an order. Withdraw. When that thing opened, the whole planet's shifted. One more inch and we fall into the black hole. So this thing stops right now." Zach said. "But it's not much better up there with the Ood." Ida said and Galaxy thought it couldn't be any better down there. "I'm initiating strategy Nine, so I need the two of you back up top immediately, no ar... Ida? Ida?!" Galaxy sighed when she heard Zach's shouts because that meant she turned off the comm.

She really hoped the Doctor wouldn't do anything stupid, she wasn't with him so if something did happen she wouldn't be with him to either talk him out of it or make sure he stayed alive.

"Guys, we're coming back." The Doctor called after awhile making Rose and Galaxy sigh in relief. "Best news we've heard all day." Rose said and Galaxy looked to see Jefferson point a gun at Toby. "What are you doing?" She asked as she went to him. "He's infected. He brought that thing on board. You saw it." "Are you really going to resort to shooting your own people. Is that what you're going to do?" Galaxy asked him, violence isn't always the solution, she thought but then she did remember that humans tended to do that when they're scared. "If necessary."

"Well then, I guess you'll have to shoot me first if necessary. Look at his face. Whatever it was, it's gone, you saw it go to the Ood." Galaxy told him, though she herself wasn't counting out that something could still be going on, she just didn't want any more people to die. "Any sign of trouble, I'll shoot him." Jefferson said and Galaxy could only nod her head. "Are you all right?" Rose asked Toby as she went to him. "Yeah. I don't know." "Do you remember anything?" Galaxy asked him. "Just, it was so angry. It was fury and rage and death. It was him. It was the Devil."

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