The Satan Pit Pt2:

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"Open junctions five, six, seven. Reroute filters sixteen to twenty four. Go." Jefferson said as he pressed some buttons. "There's all sorts of viruses that could stop the Ood. Trouble is, we haven't got them on board." Danny said as he, Galaxy and Rose looked at the screen he was working at. "Well, that's handy, listing all the things we haven't got. We haven't got a swimming pool either. Or a Tesco's." Rose said making Galaxy chuckle a bit. "Oh, my god." Danny said getting Galaxy's attention back to the screen and she saw the word 'Affirmative' on there, "It says yes. I can do it. Hypothetically, if you flip the monitor, broadcast a flare, it can disrupt the telepathy. Brainstorm!"

"What'll happen to the Ood?" Galaxy asked him. "It'll tank them, spark out." "There we are, then. Do it!" Rose told him. "No, but I'd have to transmit from the central monitor. We need to go to Ood Habitation." Danny told them, at least they'll leave the Drilling area. "Then that's what we'll need to do. Hey, Jefferson, any way out?" Galaxy asked as she turned to him. "Just about. There's a network of maintenance tunnels running underneath the base. We should be able to gain assess from here."

"Ventilation shafts." Rose summarised. "Yeah, I appreciate the reference, but there's no ventilation. No air, in fact, at all. They were designed for machines, not life forms." Jefferson said. "But I can manipulate the oxygen field from here. Create discrete pockets of atmosphere. If I control it manually, I can follow you through the network." Zach spoke up from the control room. "Right, so we go down, and you make the air flow us by hand?" Rose said. "You wanted me pressing buttons."

"Yes, and you're doing a good job Zach, thank you. Now, we need to get to the Ood Habitation. Work out a route." Galaxy ordered.


A route through the tunnel had been made but during the time the Ood had nearly made it through the door. "Danny, come on!" Galaxy shouted as the Ood bashed against the door again. "Hold on! Just conforming." He told them. "Dan, we got to go now! Come on!" Jefferson shouted to him and he stayed at the computer for a couple more seconds. "Yeah." He said once he saw the green light on the screen and grabbed an orange computer chip, "Put that in the monitor and it's a bad time to be an Ood." He told them as he walked up to them.

"We're coming back. Have you got that? We're coming back to this room and we're getting the Doctor out." Rose said. "Okay. Danny, you go first, then you, Miss Tyler, then Toby, then Galaxy. I'll go last in defensive position. Now, come on, quick as you can!" Jefferson ordered and they all jumped down into the tunnel in the order they were given. "God, it stinks. You all right?" Rose asked Danny who was just sitting in the tunnel. "Yeah, I'm laughing. Which way do we go?"

"Just go straight ahead. Keep going till I say so." Zach said and Jefferson closed the entrance to the tunnel behind him when he went inside, just as the Ood knocked down the door. "Not your best angle, Danny." Rose said as they crawled through the tunnel on their hands and knees. "Oi, stop it." "I don't know, it could be worse." Toby said. "Oi." Both Galaxy and Rose exclaimed. "Straight on until you find junction seven point one. Keep breathing. I'm feeding you air. I've got you."

"We're at seven point one, sir." Danny announced when they reached the point and sat and caught their breaths. "Okay, I've got you. I'm just aerating the next section." "Getting kind of cramped, sir. Can't you hurry up?" Danny asked him. "I'm working on half power, here." Zach told them and Galaxy thought it was better than nothing. "Stop complaining." Jefferson said to them. "Mister Jefferson says stop complaining." Rose said and Galaxy tried not to smile at her acting like a child then. "I heard." "He heard." "But the air's getting a bit thin." Toby said. "He's complaining now." Rose said. "We heard." Galaxy told her as she rested her head on the wall.

"Danny, is that you?" Rose asked sniffing the area. "I'm not exactly happy." Danny said. "I'm just moving the air I've got to oxygenate the next section. Now, keep calm or it's going to feel worse." Zach said and a clatter sounded off in the distance of the tunnel and Jefferson and Galaxy looked down the tunnel. "What was that?" Danny asked. "Guys, what was it?" Rose asked them. "What's that noise?" "Captain, what was that?" Jefferson asked Zach. "The junction in Habitation Five's been opened. It must be the Ood. They're in the tunnels."

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