Last of the Time Lords Pt2:

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The Doctor had a little blanket close around his body as he was hunched over in a bird cage the Master had stuck him in. He slowly turned when the door opened and smiled when he saw Galaxy walk in.

"Here." She said, smiling softly as she pulled something out of her pocket and slipped it through the cage, "I thought you could use these." He knelt down and held up a piece to see it was a small makeshift suit that would fit him. "Thank you." He said hoarsely before moving to dress and Galaxy turned to give him privacy.

"I don't know if they'll fit, it was a lot of guessing on my part." She said after a moment, "I'm sorry for what he's done. I should've done something to stop him. Had him focus on me instead."

"No." She heard before she felt a small land on her shoulder. She turned to see him dressed and staring at her with a serious expression in his large eyes, "Not for me." He told her and she smiled sadly. "Always for you." She said as a tear fell down her face and he reached out a small hand and wiped it away and she leaned slightly into his touch.

The doors to the room slid open and they knew it was the Master with Lucy. "I should've known you'd be here." The Master said, his eyes on Galaxy who looked at him with a cold look but said nothing. "Tomorrow, they launch." He said, shrugging off her silence, "We're opening up a rift in the Braccatolian space. They won't see us coming. Kinda scary."

"Then stop." The Doctor told him.

"Once the empire is established and there's a new Gallifrey in the heavens, maybe stops." The Master said, walking around to look at the Doctor through the bars before looking at Galaxy, "The drumming. The never-ending drumbeat."

Galaxy looked away as she remembered when she started hearing it herself, their private connection brought it about, one of the reasons she agreed to leave with the Doctor was because it had become too much for her to bear, too painful.

"Ever since I was a child. I looked into the Vortex. That's when it chose me. The drumming, the call to war. Can't you hear it? Listen, it's there now. Right now. Tell me you can hear it, Doctor. Tell me."

"It's only you." The Doctor said. The Master looked at Galaxy and knew she could hear it and he smirked because he knew she hadn't told the Doctor about their connection, even after all this time. "Good."

It wasn't as if he didn't want his sister to be happy, far from it, he wanted her to have everything...but she was his sister first. He didn't want to share her, still didn't, to anyone, not when there were only the three of them left. He had been tempted to gloat about how he knew her secret about the implants, but that had faded every time he thought on how she didn't want anyone to know, didn't want to think about the memory. So he didn't say anything.

She was Galaxy, his sister, his Mira, and like the Doctor he thought she had died and to have her back, safe and alive...He wasn't about to share her secret with anyone, let alone the Doctor. Instead he was going to keep her secret as long as he could, so she would be his sister, not the Doctor's love. He would be the one she'd go to talk about the war, her pain and nightmares, just like she always had growing up.

The doors opened and a Toclafane entered. "Tomorrow, the war. Tomorrow we rise. Never to fall."

"You see?" The Master gestured to the Toclafane, "I'm doing it for them! You should be grateful! After all, you love them. So very, very much." He went over and sat down at the table, staring at the Doctor as Galaxy looked at the floor, knowing where her brother's thoughts were leading to, "I took Lucy to Utopia. A Time Lord and his human companion. I took her to see the stars. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

"Trillions of years into the future. To the end of the Universe." Lucy commented. "Tell him what you say." He told her. "Dying. Everything dying. The whole of creation falling apart. And I thought...there's no point. No point to anything. Not ever."

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