42 Pt2:

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"We need a backup in case they don't reach the auxiliary engines in time. Come on, think. Resources. What have we got?" The Doctor said as he paced while the others stood around the pieces of broken equipment.

"Doctor? Galaxy?" Martha's voice suddenly sounded over the intercom. "What is it now?" He asked. "Who had the most number ones, Elvis or the Beatles? That's pre-download." She told them.

"Elvis." Galaxy responded.

"No! The Beatles!" The Doctor shouted.

"No, it was Elvis." Galaxy argued.

"Wait! Er, er. Oh, what was that remix?" The Doctor asked and then started smacking himself on the back of his head until Galaxy grabbed his hand to stop him. "I don't know! We're a bit busy!" He said. "Fine. I'll ask someone else."

"Now, where were we? Here comes the sun. No, resources. So, the power's still working, the generator's going. If we can harness that..." The Doctor started brainstorming. "Use the generator to jumpstart the ship." McDonnell finished.

"Exactly. It'll buy us some time at the very least." Galaxy said. "That...is brilliant." She said. "I know. See? Tiny glimmer of hope." The Doctor said, grinning. "If it works." Scannell spoke up. "Oh, believe me. You're gonna make it work." McDonnell said, smirking.

"That told him." The Doctor said as Scannell walked off.

"Impact in 29:46."


"Impact in 28:50."

"Doctor, Galaxy, these readings are starting to scare me." Abi's voice said through the intercom. "What do you mean?" Galaxy asked. "Well, Korwin's body's changing. His whole biological make-up. It's impossible."

"This is med-centre. Urgent assistance requested. Urgent assistance!"

"Stay here! Keep working!" The Doctor shouted and he and Galaxy ran out and Astro and McDonnell followed them as did Scannell.

"Captain?" He called, making them slow down. "I told you to stay in engineering!" The Doctor scolded. "I only take orders from one person round here." Scannell said. "Is he always this bright and cheery?" Galaxy remarked and a few minutes later, a scream rang out.

"Doctor, Galaxy, what were those screams?" Martha asked. "Concentrate on those doors. You've got to keep moving forward."

"Impact in 27:06."


The Doctor, Galaxy, Astro, McDonnell and Scannell ran into the med-centre and saw Korwin's bed was empty.

"Korwin's gone." McDonnell said. "Oh, my God." Scannell gasped at the image of a figure that was burnt onto the metal x-ray shield, "Tell me that's not Lerner." He said. "Endothermic vaporisation. I've never seen one this ferocious. 'Burn with me.'" The Doctor said, remembering the words from earlier.

"That's what we heard Korwin say." Scannell said. "What? Do you think? No way. Scannell, tell them. Korwin is not a killer. He can't vaporise people. He's human!" McDonnell defended. "His bio-scan results. Internal temperature, one hundred degrees. Body oxygen was replaced by hydrogen. Korwin hasn't been infected; he's been overwhelmed."

"The test results are wrong."

"But what is it, though? A parasite? A mutagenic virus? Something that needs a host body, but how did it get inside him?" The Doctor asked, frowning. "Stop talking like he's some kind of experiment!" McDonnell shouted.

"Where's the ship been? Have you made planet-fall recently? Docked with other vessels? Any sort of external contact at all?" Galaxy asked. "What is this, an interrogation?" McDonnell asked. "We've got to stop him before he kills again." The Doctor said. "We're just a cargo ship."

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