School Reunion Pt4:

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The Tardis had relocated itself to park close by to avoid getting hurt by the explosion of the school and as Sarah Jane walked up to it, Galaxy stepped out to greet her. "Cup of tea?" She asked her who gave her a nod and she moved out the way to let her go in first. "You've redecorated." "Do you like it?" The Doctor asked as Galaxy went to join him at the console. "Oh, I, I do. Yeah. I preferred it as it was, but her, yeah. It'll do."

"I love it," Rose said. "Hey, you what's forty-seven times three hundred and sixty-nine?" Sarah Jane asked her. "No idea. It's gone now. The oil's faded." "But you're still clever. More than a match for these three." Sarah Jane pointed to the Doctor, Astro and Galaxy who were by one of monitor whispering. "You and me both. Guys?" Rose called getting their attention. "Er, we're about to head off, but you could come with us." The Doctor suggested with a smile on his face. "No. I can't do this anymore. Besides, I've got a much bigger adventure ahead. Time I stopped waiting for you and found a life of my own."

"Can I come?" Mickey spoke up and Sarah Jane raised an eyebrow at him, "No, not with you, I mean with you two." He pointed to Galaxy and the Doctor and a wide smile started to appear on Galaxy's face, "Because I'm not the tin dog, and I want to see what's out there." "Oh, go on, you three. Sarah Jane Smith, a Mickey Smith. You need a Smith on board." Sarah Jane remarked. "Okay then, I could do with a laugh." The Doctor said before he looked at Galaxy, "What do you think?" He asked her despite already knowing her answer by the smile on her face.

"It stops me from sneaking him aboard because I was really tempted to do it." Galaxy said as she went to stand next to Mickey who smiled back at her, happy that she genuinely wanted him to tag along. "Rose, is that okay?" Mickey asked. "No, great. Why not?" Rose said and Galaxy couldn't help but frown at bit at the way she said it. "Well, I'd better go." Sarah Jane first before she and Rose went off to talk quietly to each other and Sarah Jane placed her hand on Rose's shoulder and gave her a smile before she walked out the Tardis with Galaxy and the Doctor following behind her.

"It's daft, but I haven't even thanked you both for that time. And like I said, I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Sarah Jane said to them as she smiled at them. "Something to tell the grandkids." The Doctor said. "Oh, I think it'll be someone else's grandkids now." "Right. Yes, sorry. I didn't get a chance to ask. You haven't? there hasn't been anyone? You know..."

"Well, there was this one guy. I travelled with him for a while, but he was a tough act to follow. Goodbye, Doctor, Galaxy." "It's not goodbye, Sarah." Galaxy told her, she had a feeling they'll see each other again. "Do say it. Please. This time. Say it." Sarah Jane said as she looked at Galaxy who sighed a bit. "Goodbye, our Sarah Jane." Galaxy told her smiling before she brought Sarah Jane into a hug for a good few seconds before she pulled away to let the Doctor hug her and he lifted Sarah Jane off her feet before placing her back down and he walked back into the Tardis with Galaxy.

Galaxy went to the console and sent the Tardis off before she went to the monitor and watched the scene in front of her with a smile on her face. "That was nice, what you did for her," Astro said as he went to stand next to her and looked at the screen and saw the reunion between Sarah Jane and a newly made K9 as well. "I know what it's like to live without your robot companion, I couldn't let Sarah Jane go through what I did when I lost you." Galaxy said as she stroked Astro's head and smiled when she felt the Doctor's arm wrap around her, she would always find it in her power to make sure the people she cared about had smiles on their faces and she accomplished that with giving Sarah Jane back what she had lost.

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