The Lazarus Experiment Pt2:

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The trio were sitting in a lab, looking at the results of Lazarus' DNA on a computer screen.

"Amazing." Galaxy said, not entirely sure if she should feel impressed, or horrified. "What?" Martha asked, confused. "Lazarus' DNA." The Doctor said. "I can't see anything." Martha said. "Look at it!" The Doctor said, pointing as the computer flickers and changes appear on the DNA.

"Oh, my God! Did that just change? But it can't have!" Martha gasped. "But it did." Galaxy said. "It's impossible!" Martha said. "That's two impossible things we've seen tonight." Galaxy said and saw the grin on the Doctor's face. "Don't you love it when that happens?"

"That means Lazarus has changed his own molecular patterns." Martha gasped. "Hypersonic sound waves to destabilize the cell structure, then a metagenic programme to manipulate the coding in the protein strands." The Doctor explained but Martha didn't seem to be following.

"Basically he hacked into his own genes and instructed them to rejuvenate." Galaxy simplified for her. "But they're still mutating now." She said, shaking her head. "Cos he missed something. Something in his DNA has been activated and won't let him stabilise. Something that's trying to change him."

"Change him into what?" Martha asked. "We don't know but I think we need to find out." Galaxy said. "That woman said they were going upstairs." Martha said. "Let's go."


"This is his office, alright." Martha said as they stepped out of the lift. "So, where is he?" The Doctor said, frowning. "Don't know. Let's try back at the reception." Martha said when she suddenly caught sight of a skeleton leg with a lady's shoe on it, sticking out behind the desk. "Is that Lady Thaw?"

"Used to be." Galaxy said as they looked at the dried up skeleton of Lazarus' partner, "It's just a shell now. All of the life energy has been drained out, like squeezing the juice out of an orange." Galaxy said. "Lazarus?" Martha asked. "Could be." The Doctor said. "So, he's changed already?"

"Not necessarily. You saw the DNA fluctuating, the process must demand energy but I doubt this would've been enough." Galaxy told her. "So he might do this again?" Martha asked, her eyes widening in horror.

The two nodded before they ran back to the lift, needing to warn people and get them out before it was too late.


They got back to the reception and quickly started looking around for Lazarus, but they weren't having any luck.

"I can't see him." Martha said as they looked around. "He can't be far. Keep looking." The Doctor said. "Hey, you alright, Martha? I think Mum wants to talk to you." Leo said as he walked over to them. "Have you seen Lazarus anywhere?"

"Yeah, well, he was getting cozy with Tish a couple of minutes ago." Leo said. "With Tish?" Martha exclaimed. "Ah, Doctor." Mrs Jones said as she moved toward them. "Where did they go?" Galaxy asked, looking at Leo. "Upstairs, I think. Why?"

"Doctor..." Mrs Jones started but he grabbed Galaxy's hand and they ran past her, bumping into her hand, causing her drink to spill, "I'm speaking to you!" She shouted as Martha followed them. "Not now, Mum."

They ran back to the lift and quickly made their way back up to Lazarus' office.

"Where are they?" Martha asked, looking around but seeing no sign of her sister. "Fluctuating DNA will give off an energy signature." Galaxy said as she used her sonic key to track the signature, "We might be able to pick it up...Got him."

"Where?" Martha asked and Galaxy pointed her key upwards. "But this is the top floor. The roof." She said and the three ran off to the roof.

"I find that nothing's ever exactly like you expect. There's always something to surprise you. 'Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act...'"

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