The Shakespeare Code P3:

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Astro was already outside the hospital when the others arrived and they were led through the place as people wailed and moaned through the walls.

"Does my Lord Doctor wish some entertainment while he waits? I'd whip these madmen. They'll put on a good show for you. Mad dog in Bedlam." The keeper suggested. "No, I don't." The Doctor said. "Well, wait here, my lords, while I make him decent for the ladies."

"So, this is what you call a hospital, yeah? Where the patients are whipped to entertain the gentry? And you put your friend in here?" Martha said, disgusted by the look of the place as was Galaxy but she was also disgusted by how people were treated.

It's why she had Astro come and meet them, she knew madhouses back in the day were cruel and seeing people locked up as they reminded her somewhat of how she and the other Time Lords and Time Ladies were treated during the implant process.

They weren't treated like the patients in this hospital but they were kept in rooms, isolated from each other and the outside world but Galaxy could still hear the painful screams of her fellow people that didn't live through the testing.

The Doctor saw the look in Galaxy's eyes, thinking that she was just uncomfortable with the state of the place, he gently took hold of her hand and gave it a squeeze and she squeezed back slightly and scratched Astro's head with her free hand when he nuzzled against her leg.

"Oh, it's all so different in Freedonia." Shakespeare said to Martha. "But you're clever. Do you honestly think this place is any good?" She asked him. "I've been mad. I've lost my mind. Fear of this place set me right again. It serves its purpose."

"Mad in what way?" Martha asked. "You lost your son." Galaxy said as she looked at Shakespeare. "My only boy. The Black Death took him. I wasn't even there." He said. "I didn't know. I'm sorry." Martha said, feeling guilty for her slight outburst. "It made me question everything. The futility of this fleeting existence. To be or not to be. Oh, that's quite good."

"You should write that down." The Doctor said. "Maybe not. A bit pretentious?" Shakespeare asked and Galaxy almost snorted but she did smile a bit. "This way, my Lord!" The keeper called.

They followed the keeper as he took them to Streete's cell and Galaxy saw the man in rags as he sat with his back to them.

"They can be dangerous, my lord. Don't know their own strength." The keeper said. Galaxy frowned, she knew they wouldn't be so dangerous if they were treated better. "I think it helps if you don't whip them. Now get out!" The Doctor said and the keeper nodded and left.

"Peter? Peter Streete?" Galaxy asked gently as she went over to the man. "He's the same as he was. You'll get nothing out of him." Shakespeare said and she looked at him before crouching before Streete.

"Peter?" Galaxy touched Streete's shoulder and he instantly rose his head, staring at her and she smiled slightly then placed her fingers on his temples. "Peter, my name is Galaxy. Go back to a year ago, let your mind go back to when everything was fine and bright and shining. Everything that has happened this year since happened to somebody else. It was just a story. Let go. That's it, like that, let go."

Galaxy gently kept hold of Streete as she laid him down on his cot. "Tell me the story, Peter. Tell me about the witches."

"Witches spoke to Peter. In the night, they whispered. They whispered. Got Peter to build the Globe to their design. Their design! The fourteen walls. Always fourteen. When the work was done they snapped poor Peter's wits."

"Where did Peter see the witches? Where? Peter, tell me, please. You've got to tell me where they were." Galaxy told him. "All Hallows Street."

"Too many words." A woman said, seeming to appear right beside Galaxy. The Doctor quickly moved Galaxy so she was by him and Astro growled at the new woman. "What the hell?" Martha gasped. "Just one touch of the heart."

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