Rise of The Cybermen Pt1:

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The Doctor and Rose were sat together on the captain's chair in the Tardis while Mickey was stood at the console and Galaxy was laid on her back, working on the console from under it with Astro sitting next to her, helping her as he does, she was fixing somethings that Astro relayed to her that the Tardis had told him through their connection and the Tardis could only trust Galaxy to get the repairs fully fixed.

"And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes? Do you remember? The way she looked at you! And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!" The Doctor said as he and Rose spoke about an adventure since Mickey was curious about them. "I thought I was gonna get frazzled! Thankfully Galaxy was there to pull me out the way." Rose said laughing. "Yeah. One minute she's standing there, and the next minute roar!"

'Are they doing the actions?' Galaxy asked Astro through her mind as she carried on working. 'Oh, yeah, poor Mickey can't keep up.' Astro told her as the Doctor and Rose made actions as though fire was coming out of their mouths. "Yeah, where was that, then? What happened?" Mickey asked and Galaxy could see he wasn't able to keep up and she felt sorry for him. "Oh, it was on this er, this er planet thing. Asteroid. It's a long story, you had to be there." The Doctor told him.

"Ignore him, Mickey. I'll tell you all about it over a cup of tea after I've finished this. Promise." Galaxy called from under the console, which had Mickey smiling.

Galaxy had properly taken the time to get to know Mickey some more, he had really gained a friend in the Time Lady. A friend that always made sure to he was around for everything, always made sure that he knew what was going on, explained things in a way that he would understand and not make him feel like an idiot.

"Thanks, Galaxy," Mickey said and Galaxy could hear the smile in his voice and a smile appeared on her own. "Um..." The Doctor called as he eyed Mickey, who was pushing a button on the console, "What are you doing that for?" "Because you told me to," Mickey answered. "When was that?" The Doctor asked him. "About half an hour ago..." "Er...You can let go now." He told him and Rose couldn't help but snicker at that which had Galaxy sigh, it was times like this that she really got mad at the Doctor and Rose, at least she wanted to get to know Mickey, actually did something about it as well.

"Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?" Mickey asked as she stopped pressing down on the button. "Ten minutes? Twenty?" "Twenty-eight, actually Doctor." Galaxy said as she stood up and she sent both him and Rose a frown as she wiped her hands clean. "You just forgot about me!" Mickey shouted. "Rose isn't the only one here anymore Doctor, it's not fair on Mickey that you ignore him." Galaxy said as she crossed her arms, even Astro thought she had a point.

Mickey smiled as Galaxy stuck up for him, he liked that she at least paid attention to him, even Astro did, he didn't think he'd be friends with a robot wolf but he was. Galaxy and Astro would see how both the Doctor and Rose wouldn't notice and they would keep him company so he wouldn't feel alone, Galaxy had even invited him into her art room, a room she hadn't let Rose in yet, in a way, Galaxy saw Mickey as her companion, she had taken an instant liking to him when they met, had wanted him to go on adventures with them after she regenerated, she saw him as a friend and the last person she was this close to outside the Doctor was Jack.

"No, no, no. I was just...I was...I was calibrating. I was just...No, I know exactly what I'm doing." The Doctor insisted and Galaxy just looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he didn't want to admit that they were right. Suddenly, the time rotor blew up causing them to fall to the ground and they all latched onto the console, and Galaxy made sure Astro was secure between her and the console. "What's happened?" Rose asked. "The time vortex is gone. That's impossible. It's just gone. Brace yourself! We're going to crash!" The Doctor shouted and soon the Tardis crash-landed.

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