Blink Pt4:

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"No! Don't! You can't!" Sally shouted as the video ended. "I'll rewind him." Larry said. "What good would that do? You're not looking at the statue." Sally told him. "Neither are you." He said.

An Angel was towering over them, reaching out with its mouth wide open and they backed away.

"Keep looking at it. Keep looking at it." Sally said. "There's just one, right, there's just this one. We're okay if we just keep staring at this one statue. Everything's going to be fine." Larry said. "There are three more." Sally told him. "Three?"

"They were upstairs before, but I think I heard them moving." She told him. "Moving where? Three of them? Moving where?" He asked her. "I'm going to look around. I'm going to check. You keep looking at this one. Don't blink. Remember what he said. Don't even blink."

"Who blinks? I'm too scared to blink." Larry said. "Okay, we're going to the door. The front door." Sally said as she guided Lary backwards to the door while he kept looking at the Angel. "Okay. We can't both get to the front door without taking our eyes off that thing, so you stay here."


"I'll be just round the corner. You stay here." She said and went to the door but couldn't get it open. "They've locked it. They've locked us in!" She shouted. "Why?" He asked. "I've got something they want." She said. "What?"

"The key. I took it last time I was here. They followed me to get it back. I led them to the blue box. Now they've got that." She told him. "Well, give them the key." He told her. "I'm going to check the back door. You wait here." She said and ran off.

"Give them the key! Give them what they want! Sally, no. What if they come behind me?"

"Hang on!"

"Oh, God. Oh, God."

"It's locked!"

Larry quickly and briefly looked behind him to check where the doorway was but when he turned back the Angel was inches from his face.

"Sally! Sally!"

"It won't open!"

"Sally, please, I can't do this! Sally, hurry up! Where are you?" Larry called as he backed away through the doorway. "Larry? They've blocked off the back door, but there's a cellar. There might be a way out. A delivery hatch or something."

"Coming! I can't stay here." Larry said as he backed away and around the corner.

The two walked into the cellar where the Tardis was, with three Angels guarding it.

"Okay, boys, I know how this works. You can't move as long as I can see you. Whole world in a box, the Doctor says. Hope he's not lying, because I don't see how else we're getting out."

Larry ran past her and when she turned the Angel that had been upstairs was behind her. "Oh, and there's your one." She remarked. "Why's it pointing at the light?" Larry asked and the light bulb flickered as they went to the Tardis, back to back. "Oh, my God, it's turning out the light."


"I can't find the lock!"

"Sally, hurry up! Get it open! They're getting closer. Sally, come on!"

In the flickering light, the snarling Angels were getting nearer to them as Sally desperately tried to get the door to unlock and open. She was able to do it and they ran into the Tardis and Sally closed the doors behind them and an image appeared on the upper catwalk.

"This is security protocol 712. This time capsule has detected the presence of an authorised control disc, valid one journey." The hologram of the Doctor said and Larry took out the DVD case he had on him and opened it to see the DVD disc glowing.

"Please insert the disc and prepare for departure." The image of the Doctor disappeared and Sally looked around the console. "Looks like a DVD player. There's a slot." She said when she found something but the Tardis suddenly jerked as the Angels started attacking it.

"They're trying to get in!"

"Well, hurry up then!"

As the Tardis rocked back and forth, Larry got the DVD into the slot, causing the time rotor to start up.

"What's happening?" He asked as the Tardis started to dematerialise. "Oh, my God, it's leaving us behind. Doctor, no! You can't!" Sally shouted. They saw the Angels that were around the Tardis had their arms and mouths opened wide, none covering their eyes.

"Look at them. Quick, look at them!" Sally said as the Tardis was now gone. "I don't think we need to. He tricked them, The Doctor tricked them. They're looking at each other. They're never going to move again."

One Year Later

"Can you mind the shop? I'm just nipping next door for some milk." Larry said as he and Sally were in the DVD store. "Yeah. No worries." Sally said as she worked on some of the papers she had. "What's this?" He asked. "Nothing?"

She had a folder that contained the conversation transcript, Kathy's photographs and letter, as well as a picture of an Angel covering its eyes.

"Sally, can't you let it go?" Larry asked, sighing. "Of course I can't let it go." She told him. "This is over." He reminded her. "How did the Doctor and Galaxy know where to write the words on the wall? How did they get a copy of the transcript? Where did they get all that information from?"

"Look, some things you never find out. And that's okay." He told her. "No, it isn't." She said. "Ever think this might be getting in the way of other things?" He asked. "We just run a shot together. That's all it is, just a shop." She said. "Anyway, milk. Back in a mo." He said and left.

A taxi pulled up outside and Martha, Galaxy, Astro and the Doctor got out and started to walk down the street. Seeing them, Sally ran outside.

"Doctor! Galaxy!" She shouted and the two Time Lords turned around. "Hello, sorry, bit of a rush. There's a sort of thing happening. Fairy important that we stop it." The Doctor said.

"My God, it's you. It really is you. Oh, you don't remember me, do you?" The Doctor and Galaxy looked at each other and Galaxy shrugged. Martha was carrying a quiver of arrows while the Doctor had a long bow in his hand. "Doctor, Galaxy, we haven't got time for this. The migration's started."

"Look, sorry, we've got a bit of a complex. Things don't always happen to us in quite the right order. Gets a bit confusing at times, especially at weddings. I'm rubbish at weddings, especially my own." The Doctor said and Galaxy rolled her eyes as she smiled slightly.

"Oh, my God, of course. You're time travelers. It hasn't happened to you yet. None of it. It's still in the future." Sally said. "What hasn't happened?" Galaxy asked her, though knew she couldn't tell them if it was to happen. Couldn't give any spoilers.

"Doctor, Galaxy, please. Twenty minutes to red hatching." Martha said, practically begging. "It was me. Oh, for God's sake, it was me all along. You got it all from me." Sally said. "Got what?" The Doctor asked.

"Okay, listen. One day you're going to get stuck in 1969. Make sure you've got this with you. You're going to need it." Sally said, handing Galaxy the file of documents she had. "Galaxy! Doctor!" Martha shouted.

"Yeah, listen, listen, got to dash. Things happening. Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard." The Doctor said. "Okay. No worries. On you go. See you around someday." She said. "What's your name?" Galaxy asked. "Sally Sparrow."

"Good to meet you, Sally Sparrow." The Doctor said as he, Galaxy, Martha and Astro ran off. Larry returned with the milk and Sally took his hand.

"Goodbye, Doctor and Galaxy." She said and she and Larry went back into the DVD shop, now retitled to Sparrow and Nightingale, Antiquarian Books and Rare DVDs.

Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good luck."

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