Human Nature Pt1:

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A/N: I had so much fun writing these next two episodes!! Hope you enjoy guys!

The console of the Tardis sparked like mad when the Doctor and Martha ran through the doors, narrowly avoiding a blast that caused said sparks. Martha though seemed to struggle against the Doctor's hold when he half threw her into the ship.

"We can't just leave them!" She shouted. The Doctor ignored her and slammed the doors shut before running to her and he helped her up and grabbed her shoulders.

"Did they see you?" He demanded, rather urgently.

"I don't know!"

"Did they see you?"

"I don't know. I was too busy running!"

"Martha, it's important, did they see your face?"

"No, they couldn't have."

"Off we go!" He said, letting her go and he ran to the console. "But what about Galaxy and Astro?!" She asked. "They're fine. They're safe." He assured her, or maybe him or even the Tardis that was reluctant to leave the two, he didn't know. "How do you know that?"

"Galaxy has a vortex manipulator. She'll get herself and Astro out of there." He said and turned back to the console when a warning beep rang out, "Argh! They're following us."

"How can they do that, you've got a time machine." She pointed out. "Stolen technology. They've got a Time Agent's vortex manipulator as well. They can follow us wherever we go, right across the Universe...They're never going to stop. Unless..." He trailed, suddenly feeling mixed emotions on Galaxy not being with them, "I'll have to do it...Martha, you trust me don't you?"

"Of course I do." She replied.

"'Cos it all depends on you." He told her as he dove behind the consoles and pulled something out. "What does? What am I supposed to do?" She asked and he held out a pocket watch with an ornate design on the back. "Take this watch, 'cos my life depends on it. The watch, Martha...the watch is..."

John's eyes opened as he awoke from the dream. He blinked a few times, looking around the Victorian room before sitting up in bed. He got out of bed as a knock on the door sounded followed by it opening.

"Come in!" He called and Martha entered the room, dressed in a traditional maid's uniform while carrying a breakfast tray. When she saw him still in his pajamas, she turned back. "Pardon me, Mr Smith, you're not dressed yet. I can come back later..."

"No, it's alright. It's alright, put it down." He said, putting on a dressing gown as she placed the tray on the table in the middle of the room, "I was, um...Sorry, sorry. Sometimes I have these extraordinary dreams..."

"What about, sir?" She asked, opening the curtains in the room. "I dream I'm this...Adventurer. This...daredevil, a madman. 'The Doctor', I'm called. And last night I dreamt that you were there, as my companion." He said. "A teacher and a housemaid, sir? That's impossible."

"There was someone else as well." He said. "Was there?" She asked, glancing at him and he nodded. "Another woman but she was separated from us." He said. "Was she alright?" She asked. "Yes, I believe so. I seemed to think she was." He said and smiled in thought of how it was a dream, "A man from another world, though..."

"Well it can't be true because there's no such thing."

He walked over to the fireplace and looked at the ornate pocket watch sitting on the ledge of the mantle before he picked it up. "This thing. The watch." He said and Martha looked up, watching with hope that disappeared when he placed the acth back down, "Ah, it's funny how dreams slip away. But I do remember one thing, it all took place in the future. In the year of our Lord 2007."

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