The Age of Steel Pt1:

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Galaxy pulled out the power cell from her pocket and pointed it at the main Cyberman and a golden strip of energy shot to it, causing it to bend backwards before atomising before them. "What the hell was that?" Ricky asked as he looked Galaxy. "No time. Now run!" She shouted and they all ran away from the advancing van and Mrs Moore arrived with the van. "Everybody, in!" She called as she honked the horn. "I've got to go back. My wife's in there." Pete said as the others started to pile into the back of the van.

"Anyone inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now." The Doctor told him. "Come on! Get a move on!" "Rose, that's not your mother." Galaxy reminded her when she saw the look on her face as she stared at the mansion. "I know." "Then come on." She told her and grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the van.

"Finished chatting? Never seen a slower getaway in my life!" Mrs Moore remarked as she drove off once everyone was inside the van. "I just found another thing I like about this regeneration." Galaxy said as she looked at the Doctor. "What?" He asked her curiously and she smiled at him. "You look really good in a suit." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and chuckled at how she managed to make him blush with her comment.

"What was that thing?" Ricky asked, getting the two to look at him, much the Doctor's disappointment. "Just some technology from my home." Galaxy answered as she kept a tight grip on the power cell, she wasn't about to let him or the others get their hands on it. "It's stopped glowing. Has it ran out?" Mickey asked as he saw the light had dimmed again. "It's on a revitalising loop. It'll check back up in about four hours." The Doctor replied.

"Right. So, we don't have a weapon anymore." "Yeah, we've got weapons. Might not be one of those metal things, but they're good enough for men like him." Jake said as he looked at Pete with a frown. "Leave him alone. What's he done wrong?" Rose asked frowning herself. "Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the Government and left Lumic in charge." Jake said. "If I was part of all that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?"

"Maybe your plan went wrong. Still gives us the right to execute you, though." Ricky said and Galaxy really didn't like him, which was a funny since he had Mickey's face but the two were complete opposites and she was glad Mickey was the way he was and hoped he would never become like Ricky. "Keep talking like that Ricky and you'll have yourselves two more enemies." Galaxy said she indicated to her and the Doctor. "And take some really good advice. You don't want that." The Doctor added.

"All the same, we have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for Lumic since twenty point five." Ricky said making them look at Pete. "Is that true?" Rose asked him. "Tell them, Mrs M." Ricky said to Mrs Moore when Pete didn't answer. "We've got a government mole who feeds us information. Lumic's private, files, his South American operations, the lot. Secret broadcasts twice a week." She said and Galaxy knew Gemini was their spy. "Broadcast from Gemini?" Pete asked. "And how do you know that?" Ricky frowned at him. "I'm Gemini. That's me." "Yeah, well you would say that." Ricky scoffed.

"Encrypted wavelength six five seven using binary nine. That's the only reason I was working for Lumic. To get information. I thought I was broadcasting to the Security Services. What do I get? Scooby Doo and his gang. They've even got the van and the dog." Pete said and Astro frowned, he wasn't even theirs. "Astro's my dog actually." Galaxy told him as she rubbed her hand against Astro's head sensing his annoyance at the remark. "And the Preachers know what they're doing. Ricky said he's London's Most Wanted." Mickey said.

"Yeah, that's not exactly..." "Not exactly what?" Mickey and Galaxy asked him at the same time but Galaxy did it with a raised eyebrow on her face. "I'm London's Most Wanted for parking tickets." Ricky said and both the Doctor and Galaxy heard Astro burst into laughter in their minds which almost had them going. "Oh, great." "Yeah, they were deliberate. I was fighting the system. Park anywhere, that's me."

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