Rise of The Cybermen Pt3:

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It was night now and the van pulled up to a large building. "There's a light on. There's someone inside the base." The man said as he got out of the van with Galaxy and Mickey following behind, "Mrs Moore, we've got visitors." He called back and Galaxy frowned a bit when she saw they had guns but followed them the building none the less.

They all stood outside of the room where the light was coming from and the man and woman pulled out their guns. "One, two, three, go!" The man shouted and they went into the room and Mickey's jaw dropped he saw a man that looked exactly like him and Galaxy knew this was Ricky. 'Well, we're in trouble.' 'Oh yeah.' "What the hell are you doing?" Ricky asked as he turned to them. "What're you doing here?" The young man shot back here. "What am I doing here? What am I doing there?" Ricky pointed to Mickey which had the two turn their guns to him and Galaxy and Mickey pulled Galaxy so she was standing behind him.


Mickey had been stripped and was tied to a chair in the room while Galaxy was still dressed but was also tied up a bit away and Astro had some rope around his nose and neck, something Galaxy knew he hated. 'That's an understatement, it's embarrassing.' Astro growled when he read her thoughts and she smiled sadly at him, before glancing at Mickey who was getting scanned, she was glad they didn't scan her, otherwise, they would most likely find her implants and she didn't want to discuss them just yet.

"He's clean. No bugs." Jake informed Ricky after scanning him. "This is off the scale. He's flesh and blood. How did that happen?" Ricky asked. "Well, it could be that Cybus Industries have perfected the science of human cloning. Or, your father had a bike." Mrs Moore said shrugging her shoulders. "Your name is Mickey, not Ricky?" Ricky asked him as he circled around him with a glare on his face. "Mickey. Dad was Jackson Smith. Used to work at the key cutters in Cliffton's Parade. Went to Spain, never came back."

"But that's my dad. So, we're brothers?" Ricky asked as he leaned closer to Mickey. "Be fair. What else could it be?" "I don't know. But he doesn't just look like me, he is exactly the same. There's something else going on here, Jake." Ricky said. "You two must be twins then." Galaxy spoke up, they couldn't know about space and time travel this early, not when they would become greedy with the power they would have. "Separated at birth, seems logical."

"So, who are you lot?" Mickey cut in, getting their attention away from Galaxy, he promised the Doctor he would protect her, so far he hasn't done a good job but being tied up wasn't going to stop him. "We? We are the Preachers. As in Gospel Truth. Do you see? No earplugs. While the rest of the world downloads from Cybus Industries, we, we have got freedom. You're talking to London's Most Wanted, but target Number One is Lumic, and we are going to bring him down."

"From your kitchen?" Mickey asked and if there weren't tied up, Galaxy would snicker at that remark. "Have you got a problem with that?" "No, it's a good kitchen," Mickey said and Galaxy looked to where Mrs Moore was sitting when she heard a beeping noise. "It's an upload from Gemini." Mrs Moore announced. "Who's Gemini?" Galaxy asked her. "The vans are back. They're moving out of Battersea. Looks like Gemini was right. Lumic's finally making a move." Mrs Moore told Ricky and Jake, ignoring Galaxy's question, who figured was a spy or something.

"And we are right behind him. Pack up, we're leaving." Mickey and Galaxy were untied and Mickey was able to get dressed before they went to the van and followed after a lorry that drove past the building and Astro stayed close to Mickey and Galaxy as the others checked their weapons.


Galaxy, Astro and Mickey were in the van with Mrs Moore outside of the location where the lorry had stopped while Jake and Ricky were hiding in the bushes watching the lorry and the drivers. "I don't know what they're doing, but this seems to be the target. Big house, fair bit of money. Now we have got to find a way to get it." Ricky's voice came from Mrs Moore walkie-talkie.

"I've identified the address. It belongs to Peter Tyler, the Vitex millionaire." Mickey and Galaxy looked at each other at that, if they were here that meant Rose and the Doctor were also there. "Pete Tyler?" Mickey asked her. "He's listed as one of Lumic's henchman. A traitor to the state." "But...we've got to get in there," Mickey said and Galaxy agreed.

"Now, shut up, duplicate. That's what I just said. What are they doing?" Ricky asked and Galaxy felt herself freeze when she heard the sound of heavy footsteps through the walkie-talkie. "Galaxy?" Mickey asked when she saw her tense up before she reached forward and grabbed Mrs Moore's walkie-talkie. "You two get back to the van. Now!" She shouted at Ricky and Jake. "What the hell are they?" "Stop asking questions and get back here!"

If there was one thing that Galaxy hated more than the Daleks it would be the Cybermen.


Ricky and Jake didn't listen to Galaxy's orders which made her mad so she ended up running out of the van with Mickey and Astro going after her, Mickey was concerned about her, he hadn't seen her like this, he only did when she spoke about how she got separated by the Doctor in the first place. Galaxy felt like an idiot, the name was practically right in front of her from the beginning but she never made the connection! 'Well, we were worrying more about getting Blue back than anything.' Astro told her as he read her mind.

"Rose!" Mickey shouted when they got where Rose, the Doctor where with Ricky and Jake, Galaxy ended up almost tackling the Doctor when she ran straight into his opening arms, when he found out that the Cybermen were around, he was extremely worried about her and he needed to find her and get her back to where she belonged. "That's not me. That's like...the other one."

"Oh, as if things weren't bad enough, there's two Mickey's." The Doctor remarked. "At least ours listens." Galaxy said before she glared at Ricky, "Next time I say to get to the van. Listen to me." She scolded. "It's Ricky," Ricky said frowning. "But there's more of them..." Mickey said as he pointed to the Cybermen. "We're surrounded." Rose gasped when the Cybermen stood around them.

"Put the guns down. Bullets won't stop them." The Doctor warned but like when they didn't listen to Galaxy, Jake this didn't listen again and he shot at the Cybermen which the Doctor stopped. "No! Stop shooting, now. We surrender! Hands up. There's no need to damage us. We're good stock. We volunteer for the upgrade program. Take us to be processed." The Doctor said as everyone put their hands up. "You are rogue elements." A Cyberman said. "We surrender." Galaxy told it. "You are incompatible."

"But this is a surrender." "You will be deleted." "But we're surrendering! Listen to me, we surrender!" The Doctor shouted. "You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cyberman, but you will perish under maximum deletion." All of the Cybermen then held their arms out toward the group, "Delete. Delete. DELETE!"

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