The Runaway Bride Pt2:

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Astro was laying in the captain's char when Galaxy and the Doctor ran inside the Tardis and they went toward the console to start the Tardis up. "Where's Donna?" He asked the two. "Oh, just kidnapped by a Santa that's most likely an alien." Galaxy told him shrugging her shoulders as she looked at the monitor, "I've got her tracked down." She told the Doctor just as sparks started to fly.

"Behave!" The Doctor growled as he hit a hammer on the console. "She would if you didn't hit her so hard." Astro told him as heard the complaining coming from the Tardis. "Astro, lend us a hand." Galaxy told him and he jumped down to do whatever he was told to do and they were able to get the Tardis levelled with the taxi Donna was in. He and Galaxy stayed at managing the controls on the console while the Doctor went to open the doors.

"Open the door!" He shouted to Donna. "Do what?" Donna asked not being able to hear him. "Open the door!" "I can't, it's locked!" She told him and he used his sonic on the Taxi and Donna was able to get the window opened. "Santa's a robot." Donna told him. "Donna, open the door." He told her. "What for?" "To jump!" Galaxy shouted from where she was managing the controls with Astro. "I'm not blinking flip jumping. I'm supposed to be getting married!"

The robot driving the taxi ended up speeding off and hearing this Galaxy pulled down a lever, which caused another bang from the console but the Tardis chased after the taxi and ended up bouncing off a roof of a driving car. When the Tardis got close enough, the Doctor tried his sonic on the robot driver only for it to clamp it's arms onto the steering wheel.

"Listen to me. You've got to jump." The Doctor told Donna. "I'm not jumping on a motorway." "What that thing is, it needs you. And whatever it needs you for, it's not good! Now, come on!" He shouted. "I'm in my wedding dress!" Donna exclaimed. "And you look really lovely, Donna. But you really need to jump!" Galaxy called to her as she and Astro kept an eye on the console so it wouldn't explode anymore.

Donna opened her door and the Doctor reached out so he'd be able to catch her. "I can't do it." Donna said getting scared. "Trust me." "Is that what you said to her? Your friend? The one you lost? Did she trust you?" "Yes, she did. And she is not dead. She is so alive. Now, jump!" The Doctor told her and she finally jumped out of the taxi and landed on top of the Doctor and Galaxy sighed in relief as the Tardis doors closed and zoomed upwards.


The Tardis was emptying a fire extinguisher through the Tardis doors as a lot of smoke came out while Galaxy, Astro and Donna stood behind him.

"The funny thing is, for a spaceship, she doesn't really do that much flying. We'd better give her a couple of hours." The Doctor said as he walked over to them after closing the doors. "You okay, Donna?" Galaxy asked her. "Doesn't matter." Donna said. "Did we miss it?" She asked her. "Yeah." Well, you can book another date." The Doctor said. "Course we can."

"At least you still have the honeymoon." Astro noted. "It's just a holiday now." She sighed. "Sorry, Donna." Galaxy said smiling sadly. "It's not your fault." She said. "Oh? That's a change." The Doctor joked. "Wish you two had a time machine, then we could go back and get it right." Donna sighed. "Yeah, yeah. But even if we did, we couldn't go back on someone's personal timeline. Apparently." The Doctor told.

Donna went to sit on the edge of the roof that were on and looked toward St Paul's Cathedral and the rest of the city. Galaxy joined her while the Doctor took his jacket off and put it around Donna's shoulders then sat next to Donna as well.

"God, you're skinny. This wouldn't fit a rat." Donna said making Galaxy chuckle. "No matter how much of my cooking he eats, he never seems to put anything on." She joked managing to get Donna to smile a bit. "You'd better put this on." The Doctor said and pulled out a gold ring. "Oh, do you have to rub it in?" Donna sighed.

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