Human Nature Pt3:

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The three had run back to the school, Galaxy had sensed for a split second the feeling of another Time Lord and she knew it came from the watch. When they searched John's room they found it gone and Galaxy had gone off to search for it when she sensed it again and saw it to be in the possession of a boy called Timothy.

They just had to get it off him.

Which was why they were watching from a distance, John teaching children how to fire machine guns and Galaxy was shocked to say the least.

"Never did I think I'd see him condone the use of guns. I'd agree to some violence but that'd be Armari talking." Galaxy said as she shook her head. "I know." Martha agreed. They watched in silence as Nurse Redfern walked out the school and watched the scene as well.

The boys soon led Timothy off to a tent while John spoke with the matron, most likely about his journal, then watched as she soon walked off then noticed John notice them and he smiled and lifted his hand in greeting. They both knew it was mostly directed at Galaxy and she politely waved back.

"Why is he suddenly smitten with you?" Martha asked as they watched him walk away. "I don't know." Galaxy said before a small laughter came to her, "Though, the Doctor told me once that no matter what he'd love me and always find me being the most standing out over any other woman. Of course I didn't believe him then because he was married at the time."

"Wait, married?" Martha gaped as she looked at her with surprise. "Oh, yes. It was an arranged one as it mainly was on our planet but there were some that married for love and they were said to be the most wondrous kinds of marriages. Or at least my mother used to tell me."

"You were never engaged to someone then?" She asked her, smiling at seeing the smirk on the Time Lady's face. "Not just one, my father tried arranging marriages for me but I found ways to make sure they never happened, as did my brother." She told her and the two laughed.

While her mother would encourage her to marry for love, her father followed the traditional aspects of their people, it was a wonder how her brother never followed his footsteps, he never liked the men their father suggested just as much as she didn't.

"I'm going to keep an eye on John." Galaxy said, getting them to business when she saw him walk off with Redfern. "I'll see if I can track down Timothy." Martha said, nodding. "No, don't." She told her. "Why not?" She asked, confused. "If the Family spots us they'll be after us to get him. For now it's safe with him because they won't look for him."

"I guess you're right." She said, sighing, "You better go off then. Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. That goes for you as well." She told her and Galaxy gave her a mock salute before going off with Astro following her.


Galaxy sighed as she and Astro walked up to the town, despite them going off to keep an eye on John they had lost sight of him at some point, they knew he had headed in the direction of the town thanks to Astro getting his scent but that was it.

Her thoughts went onto her telling Martha about the implants, the last person she of course had told them about face to face was Jack, but that was after his scans had picked them up and curiosity got the better of him.

She honestly didn't think she would tell anyone after Mikey in that letter but another person she trusted to know wasn't too bad but she had a feeling Martha would keep an eye on her in case her nose bleeds again.

She didn't realise she and Astro had made it to the town until a milk churn snapped her out of her thoughts when it fell in front of her and Astro pulled her back, making her stumble but that didn't bother her, what did was that she would've been crushed by a piano which had fallen from a rope.

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