Utopia Pt4:

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"Yes!" Jack shouted when the last coupling was connected. "Good, now get out of there. Come on!" Galaxy shouted as the Doctor used the telephone. "Lieutenant, everyone on board?...stand by. Two minutes to ignition."

"Countdown commencing. T minus 99, 98..."

Jack, Galaxy and the Doctor rushed around, flickering different switches when Martha ran up to them.

"Ah, nearly there. The footprint, it's a gravity pulse. It stamps down, the rocket shoots up. Bit primitive. It'll take the both of us to keep it stable." The Doctor said. "Doctor, Galaxy, it's the professor. He's got this watch. He's got a fob watch. It's the same as yours. Same writing on it. Same...everything."

"Don't be ridiculous." The Doctor said. "I asked him. He said he'd had it his whole life." Martha said. "So, he's got the same watch." Jack said, shrugging. "Yeah, but it's not a watch. It's this chameleon thing..."

"It's a device that rewrites biology. Changes a Time Lord into a human." Galaxy said. "And it's the same watch." Martha said. "It can't be." The Doctor said as an alarm went off and Galaxy went off to fix it.

"That means he could be a Time Lord. You two might not be the last ones." Jack said. "Keep it level!" The Doctor called. "But that's brilliant, isn't it?" Martha asked. "Yes, it is. Course it is."

"Just depends on which." Galaxy mumbled just loud enough for Jack and Astro to hear her. Jack stopped mid work to look at her and knew something was wrong when she saw the worry in her eyes. "Brilliant, fantastic, yeah. But they died, the Time Lords. All of them, they died."

"Not if he was human." Jack added. "What did he say, Martha? What did he say?" The Doctor asked and she jumped slightly when he yelled. "He looked at the watch like he could hardly see it. Like that Perception Filter thing." She answered. "What about now? Can he see it now?"

"If he escaped the Time War, the end of the Universe is the perfect place to hide." Galaxy said, sighing and Jack looked at her when she said 'he' and it made him think she knew who it was in the watch.

"Think of what the Face of Boe said." Martha said, neither she nor the Doctor having heard her, "His dying words. He said..." The Doctor slammed a button down, launching the rocket, not seeing Galaxy glance in the distance, sensing the watch Yana had was open.

"What is it?" Jack asked her quietly as her eyes widened. "He survived..." She said as she shook her head.


"The watch...the drums...it's him, how did I not see it sooner?"

"Galaxy, who?" He asked, placing his hands on her arms, she was starting to scare him. Galaxy looked at him and he thought he saw the slight evidence of tears in her eyes but he wasn't sure. "It's the Master."

The Doctor turned the last switch and it had the rocket engines fire.

"Lieutenant, have you done it? Did you get velocity? Have you done it? Lieutenant, have you done it?" He asked.

"Affirmative. We'll see you in Utopia."

"Good luck." The Doctor said before he ran out of the room with Galaxy, Jack, Astro and Martha following.

They reached the main door frame out of the hall, only for it to lock just before they got there and Galaxy ran to the keypad.

"Get it open! Get it open!" The Doctor shouted as he used his sonic on the door and the two of them were eventually able to get the door open.

They ran down the hall but soon some Futurekind entered the end of the hall, forcing them to backtrack. They ran through a few more halls before Astro stopped at an interaction.

"This way!" He shouted and they ran around the corner and were able to get to the lab door, only to find that locked as well. Galaxy went over to the keypad while the Doctor looked through the window.

"Professor! Professor, let me in! Let me in! Galaxy get the door open! Professor! Professor, where are you? Professor! Professor, are you there? Please, I need to explain! Whatever you do, don't open that watch!"

"Too late." Galaxy mumbled as she worked on the keypad, Astro being the only one to hear her and see her wincing as her headache got more and more painful. "They're coming!" Martha shouted, seeing the Futurekind down the hall.

"Professor! Open the door, please! I'm begging you, Professor. Please, listen to me! Just open the door, please!"

Growing frustrated, Galaxy punched the keypad, short circuiting the doors to open. They ran in, the Doctor and her stopping short as Yana leaned against the Tardis door. The Doctor stepped forward only for Yana to back into the Tardis and he locked it.

He and Astro ran to the door, the Doctor tried his key but it didn't work, he even tried flashing the lock with his sonic but Yana had deadlocked the door, the sonic could do nothing, neither could Astro.

"Let us in! Let us in!" The Doctor shouted, Galaxy looked to see Jack struggling with the door and she went to help him close it. "You just had to punch the lock." He remarked, trying to lighten the mood. "Give us a hand!" Galaxy shouted and Martha went to help.

"I'm begging you. Everything's changed! It's only the three of us! We're the only ones left! Just let us in!" The Doctor shouted. "No..." Galaxy breathed when she saw the golden light emit from the Tardis followed by a scream, "He's regenerated."

"Doctor! You'd better think of something!" Jack called.

Moments after the light faded the speakers of the Tardis were switched open. "Now then, Doctor, Galaxy. Ooo, new voice. Hello, hello. Hello. Anyway, why don't we stop and have a nice little chat while I tell you all my plans and you can work out a way to stop me, I don't think."

"Hold on, I know that voice." Marth gasped as Galaxy quickly leaned forward and sent back some of the Futurekind.

"I'm asking you really properly. Just stop. Just think!" The Doctor said as Galaxy turned to face him and the Tardis.

"Galaxy, dear, use my name."

"Master. Don't." She said, shaking her head. "Tough."

"We can't hold out much longer, Doctor!" Jack shouted as the Doctor used his sonic and activated it while the Master started up the time rotor.

"Oh, no you don't! End of the universe. Have fun. Bye, bye!"

"Doctor, stop him!" Galaxy shouted but they could only watch as the Tardis disappeared.

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