School Reunion Pt2:

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The two Time Lords and Astro were walking down a corridor when they heard a noise and when they went to investigate it, they instead found Sarah Jane looking at where they had parked the Tardis in a storeroom.

"Hello, Sarah Jane." The Doctor said softly as she turned to face them and looked at them with shock. "It's you. Oh, Doctor, Galaxy." She breathed and she knelled down when Astro ran to her, excited to see an old friend again, "Hello, Astro. You two regenerated." Sarah said as she looked at the couple while stroking Astro's fur. "Yeah. Half a dozen times since we last met." The Doctor told her as he and Galaxy watched her and Astro with smiles on their faces. "You both look incredible."

"You do as well, Sarah," Astro told her and Sarah chuckled as she stood up. "I got old. What are you three doing here?" "UFO sighting, school suddenly gets record results. This one couldn't resist. How about you?" Galaxy asked her. "The same. I thought you three died. I waited for you and you didn't come back, and I thought you must have died." "We lived. Everyone else died." The Doctor told her. "What do you mean?"

"Everyone died, Sarah. At some point, we even thought the other was dead because we got separated from each other." Galaxy told her and she was surprised to hear the two were able to lose each other. "I can't believe it's you." Sarah said right when a scream rang out from the distance and it was close by, "Okay, now I can." She smiled at them before they ran out of the storeroom and Rose ran into them when they entered the corridor.

"Did you hear that? Who's she?" Rose asked them when she saw Sarah with them. "Rose this is Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane this is Rose." Astro introduced and Rose should recognise the name since Galaxy spoke about her as well as show her the sketches she had done. "Hi. Nice to meet you." Sarah said before looking at Galaxy and the Doctor, "You can tell you two are getting older. Your assistants are getting younger." "I'm not their assistant." Rose said and Galaxy felt this wasn't the time, she was able to tell that scream came from Mickey and she was worried about him."No? Get you, tiger." Sarah said before they ran toward where the scream came from which was a classroom.

"Sorry! Sorry, it was only me. You told me to investigate, so I started looking through some of these cupboards and all of these fell on me." Mickey said as they looked at the dead rats on the floor and Galaxy was glad it wasn't anything serious. "Oh, my God, they're rats. Dozens of rats. Vacuum packed rats." Rose said. "And you decided to scream?" The Doctor asked Mickey. "It took me by surprise surprise!" "Like a little girl?" The Doctor asked him with a raised eyebrow. "It was dark! I was covered in rats!"

"Nine, maybe ten years old. I'm seeing pigtails, frilly skirt." "Didn't you once make the Doctor scream like a girl, Galaxy?" Astro asked as he looked up at her and the Doctor saw a smirk on her face when he turned to look at her and he didn't like it. "Oh yeah, it was a minor creation before I made you, we were kids and I was betted to see if I could scare him. Safe to say I won." She said thinking of the memory, it wasn't anything grand either, it was just a box that made a popping sound when opened and she was able to sneak up behind him before setting it off.

"We promised never to speak of that again." The Doctor said frowning as he pointed a finger at her. "Then stop bullying Mickey." She said before winking at Mickey, she still had a need to assure him that there were times to degrade the Doctor. "Can we focus? Does anyone notice anything strange about this? Rats in school?" Rose asked them getting them on the main focus. "Well, obviously they use them in Biology lessons. They dissect them. Or maybe you haven't reached that bit yet. How old are you?" Sarah asked her.

"Excuse me, no one dissects rats in school anymore. They haven't done that for years. Where are you from, the dark ages?" Rose shot back and Galaxy sighed. "Straying from the path again. We know everything started when Finch arrived, we need to go and check his office." Galaxy said before she walked out of the room with the others behind her.

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