The Satan Pit Pt3:

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"Doctor, you there? Doctor, Ida, can you two hear me?" Galaxy asked through the comms as they were all at the drilling area. "The comms are still down. I can patch them through the central desk and boost the signal. Just give me a minute." Zach said as he went to computer and worked on getting them into contact with the Doctor and Ida. "Doctor, are you there? Come on, Doctor, Ida, can either of you hear me? Doctor, you there?" Galaxy tried again once Zach got them through.

"He's gone." They heard Ida's voice but it wasn't what they were hoping for. "What do you mean, he's gone?" Rose asked her. "He fell into the pit. And I don't know how deep it is. Miles and miles and miles." "What do you mean, he fell?" Galaxy asked her this time, there's no way he'd just fall. "I couldn't stop him. He said your name, Galaxy." Ida said and Galaxy started to feel herself go numb, she knew, she knew he would do something like this, but she hoped he wouldn't go through with it.

Galaxy let Zach take the microphone from her and she sighed and ignored the headache in her head and concentrated on sensing the Doctor to see if he survived the drop or not. "I'm sorry. Ida? There's no way of reaching you. No cable, no back up. You're ten miles down. We can't get there." Zach told Ida. "You should see this place, Zach. It's beautiful. Well, I wanted to discover things and here I am." "We've got to abandon the base. I'm declaring this mission unsafe, all we can do is make sure no one ever comes here again."

"But we'll never find out what it was." Ida said and Galaxy thought she couldn't be serious, no one else should come here, not if it meant they could get killed. "Well, maybe that's best." Zach told Ida. "Yeah." "Officer Scott..." "It's all right. Just go. Good luck." Ida told them. "And you. Danny, Toby, close down the feed links. Get the retrotropes online, then get to the rocket and strap yourselves in. We're leaving."

"I'm not." Galaxy spoke up making them look at her. "Galaxy, there's space for you and Rose." Zach told her. "Then take Rose and go, but I'm staying. I'm staying to wait for the Doctor." She did once before, she could do it again, no matter how long it took.

"I'm sorry, but he's dead." "You know, there's this thing my kind have, no matter how far, as long as we're in the same time frame we can sense one another. I can sense the Doctor, which means he's alive and..." Galaxy shook her head when she saw her vision getting blurry.

"Galaxy!" Rose exclaimed and caught the Time Lady when she suddenly collapsed due to the pain in her head and sensing the Doctor was too much. "Grab Galaxy and lets go." Zach ordered. "No! If Galaxy said the Doctor's alive then he's alive. I'm not leaving him either." Rose told them determined. "Then I apologise for this. Danny, Toby? Make her secure." Zach said and Danny and Toby grabbed Rose and pulled away from Galaxy's unconscious body. "No, no. No! No! No! Let me go! Get off me! I'm not leaving!" Rose exclaimed and Zach injected Rose making her unconscious.

"I have lost too many people. I am not leaving you two behind. Let's get them on board." Zach said as he picked up Rose and Toby picked up Galaxy.


Galaxy groaned as she woke up to the sound of a rocket engine and she found herself strapped in the seat next to Zach in the rocket ship with the others. "Take us back to the planet. Take us back!" She heard Rose shout and she became more awake and alerted, luckily her headache had gone off slightly but not much. "Or what?" Zach asked her as he glanced at Galaxy. "Or I'll shoot." That got Galaxy's attention more and she moved so she could see Rose holding a bolt gun.

"Rose, put it down." She told her making Rose look her and saw the relief on the young girl's face when she saw her awake, "The Doctor wouldn't want you to go killing people, I wouldn't, no one else has to die." Galaxy told her as though soothing a scared child and Rose sighed sadly before slumping back in her seat and Galaxy did the same. "It's too late anyway. Take a look outside. We can't turn back. This is what the Doctor would have wanted. Isn't that right?" Zach asked them and Galaxy watched as they flew away from the black hole.

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