Army of Ghosts Pt3:

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"All those times we've been on Earth, we've never heard of you and Galaxy's good a remembering names." The Doctor said as they walked down a corridor. "Of course not. You're the enemy. You're actually named in the Torchwood Foundation Charter of 1879 as an enemy of the Crown." Yvonne told them. "The house in Scotland, it's was called Torchwood." Galaxy said remembering the time with the werewolf and her using her implants.

"That's right. Where you encountered Queen Victoria and the werewolf." "I think they make half this up." Jackie said. "Her Majesty created the Torchwood Institute with the express intention of keeping Britain great, and fighting the alien horde." "But if we're the enemy, does that mean that we're prisoners?" The Doctor asked referring to him, Galaxy and Astro. "Oh yes. But we'll make you perfectly comfortable. And there is so much you can teach us. Starting with this."

Yvonne brought them into a laboratory where a giant sphere floated in place. "Now, what do you make of that?" She asked the Time Lords. "You be the Doctor and Galaxy. Rajesh Singh. It's an honour, sir, ma'am." Rajesh said upon seeing the two. "Yeah." They said as they walked toward the sphere. "What is that thing?" Jackie asked as she looked at Yvonne. "We got no idea." She responded.

'Typical. They take whatever they please without giving it a second thought. For all they knew it could've been a bomb.' Galaxy said to the Doctor through their connection, she loved humans but sometimes they could be idiots. "But what's wrong with it?" "What makes you think there's something wrong with it?" Yvonne asked Jackie. "I don't know. It just feels weird." Jackie told her. "Well, the sphere has that effect on everyone. Makes you want to run and hide, like it's forbidden."

"We tried analysing it using every device imaginable." Rajesh said as the Doctor put on a pair of 3D glasses and handed a pair to Galaxy which she took and put on as well, "But according to our instruments, the sphere doesn't exist. It weighs nothing, it doesn't age. No heat, no radiation, and has no atomic mass."

"But I can see it." Jackie said. "Fascinating, isn't it? It upsets people because it gives nothing off. It is absent." "Well, Doctor? Galaxy?" Yvonne asked the two as they continued to look at the sphere. "It's a void ship." Galaxy said. "And what is that?" "Well, it's impossible for starters. We always thought it was just a theory, but it's a vessel designed to exist outside time and space, travelling through the Void." The Doctor explained.

"And what's the Void?" Rajesh asked. "Just the space between dimensions. All sorts of realities around us, different dimensions, billions of parallel universes all stacked up against each other. The Void is the space in between, and it contains nothing. No light, no dark, no up, down, no life or time. It's endless. Our people called it the Void. The Eternals call it the Howling. But some people call it Hell." Galaxy explained.

"But someone built the sphere. What for? Why go there?" "To explore? To escape? You could sit inside that thing and eternity would pass you by. The Big Bang, end of the Universe, start of the next, wouldn't even touch the sides. You'd exist outside the whole of creation." The Doctor answered. "You see, we were right. There is something inside it." Yvonne said smiling. "Oh, yes." The Doctor told her. "So how do we get in there?"

"You don't! We need to send it back to Hell where it came from. How even did you get it here in the first place?" Galaxy asked them frowning. "Well, that's how it all started. That sphere came through into this world, and the ghosts followed in its wake." Yvonne told them. "Show us." The Doctor said and he walked out of the room and went left. "No, Doctor." Yvonne told him and Galaxy shook her head when she saw him go right.


Yvonne brought the group to her office and directed the Doctor and Galaxy to a black wall at the far end of the room. "The sphere came through here. A hole in the world. Not active at the moment, but when we fire particle engines at that exact spot, the breech opens up." Yvonne told them. "How did you find it?" Galaxy asked her. "We were getting warning signals for years. A radar black spot. So, we built this place, Torchwood Tower. The breech was six hundred foot above sea level. It was the only way to reach it."

"You built a skyscraper just to reach a spatial disturbance? How much money have you got?" The Doctor asked her. "Enough." She only said before leaving them to look at the wall. "Hold on a minute. We're in Canary Wharf." Must be. This building, it's Canary Wharf." Jackie said as she looked out of a big window. "Well, that is the public name for it. But to those in the know, it's Torchwood."

"So, you find the breach, probe it, the sphere comes through six hundred feet above London, bam. It leaves a hole in the fabric of reality. And that hole, you think, oh, shall we leave it alone? Shall we back off? Shall we play it safe? Nah, you think let's make it bigger!" The Doctor said making Yvonne turn to him.

"It's a massive source of energy. If we can harness that power, we need never depend on the Middle East again. Britain will become truly independent. But, you can see for yourself. Next Ghost Shift's in two minutes." "Cancel it." Galaxy and the Doctor told her as she walked past them. "I don't think so." She scoffed. "We're warning you, Yvonne, cancel it now." Galaxy insisted.

"Oh, exactly as the legends would have it. The Doctor and Galaxy, lording it over us. Assuming alien authority over the Rights of Man." She said with a cocky smile on her face.

"Let us show you. Sphere comes through," The Doctor said and they moved to a glass wall and Galaxy pointed her sonic at it and it started to crack, "But when it made the hole, it cracked the world around it. The entire surface of this dimension splintered. And that's how the ghosts get through. That's how they get everywhere. They're bleeding through the fault lines. Walking from their world, across the Void, and into yours, with the human race hoping and wishing and helping them along. But too many ghosts, and..." Astro gently nudged the glass and it shattered on to the floor.

"Well, in that case we'll have to be more careful. Positions! Ghost Shift in one minute." Yvonne ordered despite their warning. "Miss Hartman, we're asking you, please don't do it." The Doctor requested as they walked up to her. "We have done this a thousand times." "Then stop at a thousand." Galaxy exclaimed. "We're in control of the ghosts. The levers can open the breach, but equally they can close it."

"Okay." The Doctor said before walking into Yvonne's office and brought two chairs back with him, one for him and the other for Galaxy. "Sorry?" She asked the confused. "Nothing. Carry on." Galaxy told her as the sat down on the chair and she placed her hand on Astro's head when he sat next to her. "What, is that it?" "No, fair enough. Said our bit. Don't mind us. Any chance of a cup of tea?" The Doctor asked.

"Ghost Shift in twenty seconds." A woman at one of the computers announced. "Mmm, can't wait to see it. What do you think Galaxy?" The Doctor asked her. "Hmm, neither can I." She responded nodding her head. "You can't stop us." Yvonne said to the pair. "No, absolutely not. Pull up a chair, Rose. Come and watch the fireworks." The Doctor said and Jackie stood next to them. "Ghost Shift in ten seconds. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two..."

"Stop the shift. I said stop." Yvonne ordered and they did. "Thank you." Galaxy said. "I suppose it makes sense to get as much intelligence as possible. But the programme will recommence, as soon as you two explain everything." She told them. "We're glad to be of help." "And someone clear up this glass. They did warn me, Doctor, Galaxy. They said you two like to make a mess."

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