Fear Her Pt4:

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Galaxy, Rose and Astro made their way through the crowd that was at the end of the street since the torch was set to come down there, which was perfect for them. "Sorry, you'll have to watch from here." A policeman said as he stopped them from getting any closer. "No, we've got to get closer." Rose said. "No way." "We can stop this from happening!" Rose exclaimed and Galaxy felt the pod chitter in her hand.

"We're close enough, Rose." Galaxy told her and smiled at the pod, "You feel it don't you? All that love, go to it." She whispered to it and threw it into the air and it flew to the torch, the Torch Bearer staggers slight before he carries on with the running. "Yes!" Rose cheered and she pulled Galaxy into a hug who laughed and returned it. "You did it! What was it you did?" Kel asked her. "I gave it what it any child needs, love." Galaxy said as they saw all the children that were trapped were freed.

"Doctor." Rose said and Galaxy shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know who you are, or what you did, but thank you! And thank that man for me too." The old woman said to Rose and Galaxy. "Where is he? He should be here. All the drawings have come back to life." Rose said sighing. "He'll turn up, he always does...Oh, no." Galaxy breathed and looked to Chloe's bedroom window and saw a red glow coming from it.

"Trish, get out!" Rose shouted once they got to the front door of Trish's house. "I can't! the door's stuck!" Trish shouted from the other side and Galaxy tried ramming into it, but even her implants in her arm wasn't enough to get it to open by force. "Is the Doctor in there?" She asked Trish sighing, she hoped he wasn't. "I don't think so." "Mummy." Chloe, I'm coming to hurt you. "Please dad. No more." Chloe begged and Galaxy hated hearing that in a child's voice toward a parent. Chloe. "Chloe, I need you to listen to me. It isn't like the others, it isn't real."

"Help us!" "Chloe, the only reason why he's real is because you're scared of him, pictures hold more emotions than we think, and in that one is your fear. But Chloe I know you can do it, you can get rid of him." Galaxy said calmly, Chloe and Trish didn't need them to be panicking right now, otherwise they wouldn't get away. "Mummy!" Chloe called out in fear. "You can do it, Chloe!" Rose shouted joining. "I can't!" Chloe, I'm coming. "I can't! I can't!" I'm coming. "I can't." I can't. "Mummy." Chloe.

"I'm with you, Chloe. You're not alone. You'll never be alone again." Trish told her and held her hand tightly. "Sing...Chloe, Trish, I need you two to sing!" Galaxy called to them. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. Chloe, I'm coming to hurt you. Chloe! "Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be." The mother and daughter sang and the red glow started to fade and retreat back to the bedroom. "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. Merry merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be."

Galaxy sighed in relief at hearing the two sing together and she leaned against the wall next to the door while Rose sank to the floor against the door. "Maybe he's gone somewhere." Kel said when he walked up to the two. "Who's going to hold her hand now?" Rose whispered to Astro who was letting her stroke his fur and they both glanced at Galaxy who looked to be lost in thought.


Trish was now able to open the door to the house and she let Galaxy, Rose, Astro and Kel inside. "Just look at it! Utterly incredibly scenes at the Olympic stadium. Eighty thousand athletes and spectators. They disappeared, they've come back!" They heard on the TV as they entered the living room. "They've returned. They've reappeared. It's quite incredible. Bob, this will certainly..." "Eighty thousand people, so where's the Doctor? We need him." Rose said. "He's around, I'm able to sense him again our connection disappeared when he did." Galaxy told her and said it loud enough so only she could hear it.

"But hang on, the Torch Bearer seems to be in a bit of trouble. We did see a flash of lightening earlier that seemed to strike him. Maybe he's injured. He's definitely in trouble." They then saw the Torch Bearer collapse, "Does this mean that the Olympic dream is dead?" Suddenly, a man in a brown suit and plimsolls picked up the torch himself. "Well, I didn't think I'd see him do that." Galaxy said with a smile on her face when she saw it was the Doctor. "There's a mysterious man. He's picked up the flame. We've no idea who he is. He's carrying the flame. Yes, he's carrying the flame and no one wants to stop him. It's more than an flame now, Bob. It's more than heat and light. It's hope, and it's courage, and it's love."

They watched as the Doctor ran up the red carpet and to the lower cauldron where he whooped with joy before lighting the gas. Galaxy smiled as she watched this, now the Isolus could be back where it belonged, with it's family.


"Cake?" Rose called as she and Galaxy walked up behind the Doctor and she held out a fairy cake with sliver sugar balls decorated on the top. "Top banana." The Doctor said as he turned to them and took the cake and took a bit out of it, "Mmm. I can't stress this enough. Ball bearings you can eat, masterpiece!" The Doctor exclaimed with a grin on his face and fed some to Galaxy. "I thought I'd lost you." Rose said whereas Galaxy had no doubt they'd get him back, they always do.

"Nah. Not on a night like this. This is a night for lost things being found. Come on." The Doctor said and grabbed Galaxy's hand as they walked down the street. "What now?" Rose asked. "I want to go to the games. It's what we came for." "Go on, give us a clue. Which events do we do well in?" Rose asked them. "Well, Papua New Guinea does surprise everyone in the shot put." Galaxy told her smiling. "Really? You're joking, aren't you? Are you serious or are you joking?"

"Wait and see." The Doctor said just as the fireworks display starts. "You know what? They keep on trying to split us up, but they never ever will." Rose said to them. "Never say never." The Doctor said and moved his arm so it was wrapped around Galaxy's shoulders. "Nah, we'll always be okay, the four of us. Don't you reckon?" Rose asked them as they looked up at the fireworks. "There's something in the air. Something is coming." Galaxy said. "What?"

"A storm's approaching."

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