Gridlock Pt3:

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Galaxy was on the floor between the two chairs, the Doctor and the man were sitting on while she connected some wires to her wrist computer.

"There. That should shift the fumes a bit, give us a good look." She said when she was done pressing some buttons and she and the Doctor went to look through the open hatch. "What are those shapes?" The man asked. "They're alive." The Doctor said and a giant claw snapped up at them. "What the hell are they?"


"The Macra used to be the scourge of this galaxy. They fed off gas, the filthier it was the better. They built a small empire and used humans as slaves and mining gas for food." Galaxy explained. "They don't exactly look like empire builders to me." The man said. "It was billions of years ago. Billions. They most likely devolved as time passed. Now they're just beasts. Beasts that are still hungry and our friend's down there."

Suddenly, a clang from the roof startled the three and had them look up.

"Oh, it's like New Time Square in here, for goodness sake!" The man exclaimed. "We've invented a sport." The Doctor said to Galaxy who rolled her eyes but had an amused look on her face. "Doctor, Galaxy, you're hard people to find."

"No guns. I'm not having guns." The man said. "I only bought this in case of pirates. Doctor, Galaxy, you've got to come with me." Galaxy's eyes widened slightly when she realised who their visitor was. "Do we know you?" The Doctor asked. "You two haven't aged at all. Time has been less kind to me."

"Novice Hame. Last we met, you were breeding humans for experiments." Galaxy said as she crossed her arms. "I've sought forgiveness for so many years under his guidance. And if you two come with me, I might finally be able to redeem myself." Hame said. "We're not going anywhere. You've got Macra living underneath this city. Macra! And if our friend's still alive, she's stuck down there."

"You've got to come with me right now. I'm sorry, but the situation is even worse than you can imagine." Hame told them and she grabbed their wrists, "Transport."

"No, no, no, don't!" Galaxy shouted as they were beamed away and appeared in a rubbled room. "Oh. Rough teleport. Ow. You can go straight back down and teleport people out, starting with Martha." The Doctor said as he helped Galaxy up.

"I only had the power for one trip." Hame said. "Then get some more!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Where are we?" Galaxy asked as she looked around the place while placing a hand on the Doctor's arm. "High above in the over-city."

"Good. Because you can tell the Senate of New New York I'd like a word. They have got thousands of people trapped on the motorway. Millions!" The Doctor said. "But you're inside the Senate, right now. May the goddess Santori bless them."

Hame used the teleport on her wrist to turn on the lights and the two saw the place was littered with skeletons.

"They died, Doctor. The city died." She said. "How long?" Galaxy asked. "Twenty-four years." She answered. "All of them? Everyone? What happened?" The Doctor asked.

"A new chemical. A new mood. They called it Bliss. Everyone tried it. They couldn't stop. A virus mutated inside the compound and became airborne. Everything perished. Even the virus, in the end. It killed the world in seven minutes flat. There was just enough time to close down the walkways and the flyovers, sealing off the under-city. Those people on the motorway aren't lost. They were saved."

"Then the whole thing is running on automatic." Galaxy said. "There's not enough power to get them out. We did all we could to stop the system from choking." Hame said. "Who's we? How did you survive?" The Doctor asked. "He protected me. And he has waited for you two, these long years."

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