Human Nature P2:

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Martha and Galaxy had gone to the pub, having been invited by Jenny, though when they arrived they did so at the same time as John who had invited Galaxy to join him inside. She had politely declined, saying she came with Martha but Martha had just pushed the woman toward him, telling her to go and she couldn't find herself refusing the invitation then.

It felt strange for Galaxy to spend most of the day with him and hear his voice speak in her mind from a one off comment about anything but it also felt strange how she was easily able to act around him as though what she has with the Doctor didn't exist. To her it kind of felt like she was back to before they started their relationship, where they were just Galaxy and the Doctor, two best friends.

John found Galaxy to be an excellent woman with an excellent mind, she was able to come up with discussions and debates that would give him a fresh perspective, she was clever and passionate about the things she liked. He'd never met someone like her before but he couldn't seem to get enough time to spend with the woman he thought was beautiful.

The two stepped out of the pub since Galaxy still wanted to spend some time with Martha and they saw her, the matron and Jenny standing there, staring at the sky.

"Anything wrong, ladies?" He asked as they walked over, "Far too cold to be standing around in the dark, don't you..." He started when Redfern interrupted. "There! There, looking in the sky!" She said and saw John and Galaxy standing together, looking up. She frowned slightly, she heard John would be at the pub that night and had hoped to run into him, but seeing Galaxy with him put a damper in her mood.

"That's beautiful." Jenny commented as a light passed through the sky and Galaxy looked at Martha with worry, knowing exactly what that was. "All gone. Commonly known as a meteorite. It's just rocks falling to the ground, that's all." John said. "It came down in the woods." Redfern said, looking through the trees.

"No, no, no, they always look close, when actually, they're miles off. Nothing left but a cinder." He said, then looked at Galaxy and Redfern, "Now, I should escort you back to the school." He informed them before looking at Martha and Jenny, "Ladies?"

"No, we're fine, thanks." Martha said, still looking at the sky. "Martha." Galaxy started but Martha shook her head. "Then I shall bid you goodnight." John said, healing toward the school with Redfern following him. "You need to keep an eye on him. I'll check it out." Martha said to Galaxy when John stopped walking.

"Martha..." She started, shaking her head. "Lilith? Everything alright?" John called. "Everything's fine, sir. Just saying good night." Martha answered for her, nudging her forward and Galaxy sighed before she went off to catch up with John, but she gave her a look to be careful before she did.


Galaxy had stayed awake to wait for Martha to get back, Martha had explained what happened, saying that she wasn't able to see anything in the woods and Galaxy responded with the ship of the Family must have a cloaking mechanism, she even suggested that the Astro and the Tardis could probably track the ship down.

So the next morning, Galaxy and Martha were riding through the woods on bikes they borrowed from the school while Astro ran behind them as they went to an old stone barn. Martha gave the two a smile when she pushed open the door, revealing the Tardis standing further inside the barn. Galaxy went over and opened the door and when they stepped inside the darkened room.

"Hey, Blue." Galaxy greeted, just like she had done the first time she stepped through the doors again. "Talking to a machine?" Martha asked, raising an eyebrow. "She likes it, Astro can actually hear her voice." Galaxy told her and a soft hum sounded around them.

They walked up to the console and Galaxy placed her hands on it and closed her eyes while Martha walked around and Astro frowned at her. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked. "I'm having Blue show me what happened."

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